Friday, July 6, 2012

Because This Man Lived - 600,000 Americans Died - Robert E. Lee

America’s bloodiest war was the Civil War which cost Americans 600,000 precious human lives.
Lincoln offered Leadership of the American Army to Lee, thought to be a brilliant military strategist. With Lee in charge of an American Army, the war would not have lasted six months.

Lee refused because he believed in Virginia and Slavery more than he had any Allegiance to any union of the United States of America.  By any interpretation, he was guilty not of local bad manners but was a traitor to his national identity, something his ancestors signed off on in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. 

That and he liked the old male Southern tradtion of shtupping your mulatto slave half-sister or half-brother as a young man and then shtupping your mulatto slave daughter or son later in life. The Southern Hillbilly myths about incest and inbreeding were a Southern Trickle Down Tradition I believe.

Without a birth certificate for any slave, without citizenship, there could be no charges of rape in any Southern Court of “Law”.  Plausible deniability.  lol (small letters)

That is what all this Republican Birther Bullshit is all about. Revival of old Southern Traditions.

It is altogether fitting that they plowed Robert E. Lee’s slave plantation under, recycled it into Arlington National Cemetery where honorable men and women who have served the United States in the Military are laid to an honorable rest. 


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