Thursday, July 26, 2012

Barclays Employees Give Romney Campaign $207,500

Libor cheats at Barclays London have given old Mitt money for his campaign.

Is that legal to takes bribes from foreigners?

They won't want favors regarding fixing worldwide loan Libor rates? Will they?

The meetings come a day after the Daily Telegraph newspaper published a story quoting an unidentified Romney campaign adviser saying the Republican believes the US relationship with Britain is special because of shared "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the White House doesn't appreciate that shared history.
Romney quickly distanced himself from any such view.
"I don't agree with whoever that adviser might be," Romney told NBC News, "but do agree that we have a very common bond between ourselves and Great Britain."
Later Thursday, Romney planned to hold a high-dollar fundraiser. One of the hosts, former Barclays CEO Bob Diamond, withdrew from the event after he resigned in the wake of a rate-rigging scandal involving British banks.
Diamond had already sent a check for $US2500 ($A2430). So have 82 others who listed their employer as Barclays or Barclays Capital on US Federal Election Commission records.


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