Monday, June 25, 2012

Vatican Goes To Fox News For Media Salvation

In the middle of media disaster after disaster at the Vatican and all the stabbings in the each others' backs and power plays in Benedict XVI’s brief corrupt rule, apparently it’s Timmy Dolan to the rescue with a recommendation from Knight of Malta Rupert Murdock’s FOX NEWS.

Greg Burkes, who has done no real reporting except as the FOX NEWS Vatican correspondent in the past decade, is a member of Opus Dei.  That means he flagellates himself regularly for spirituality and has trouble dealing with the opposite sex.

All in all, your typical well rounded two dimensional cardboard FOX journalist.

ROME -- In an effort to shore up its communications strategy amid a widening leaks scandal in a troubled papacy, the Vatican has hired the Fox News correspondent in Rome as a senior communications adviser. 
The correspondent, Greg Burke, 52, who has covered the Vatican for Fox since 2001, will leave the network to help improve and coordinate the Vatican's various communications operations, Mr. Burke and the Vatican spokesman said. 
Some Vatican watchers called the move a power play by media-savvy Americans -- including Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the archbishop of New York and the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops -- inside a Vatican hierarchy run by Italians whose most frequent communications strategy is to accuse their critics of defamation. 
Mr. Burke is a member of the conservative Opus Dei movement, and his hiring underscores the group's role in the Vatican.
As far as I can see he is not a nephew of Cardinal Raymond Burke.  He is more like a temporary consultant like Gotti Tedeschi was at the Vatican Bank.

The insiders in the Vatican will have Greg Burke for lunch. LOL

If anything, all future media press releases supposedly coming from the Vatican will likely originate in Roger Ailes' bunker (he's afraid of colored folks and gays) at 49th Street and Sixth Avenue in New York City, FOX NEWS HQ.

USCCB Approved!

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