Monday, June 4, 2012

Trinitas Medical Hospital – A Deletion - A Word of Explanation

I deleted a story regarding something quoted on several other blogs regarding a lawsuit against Trinitas Medical Center in Elizabeth NJ and the denial of HIV medications to an HIV patient in the recent past because of religious liberty, of Catholic bias, bigotry against this person’s lifestyle in a Catholic hospital.

Some facts and or names and or circumstances did not fit, and the story may yet prove to be true, but rather than be part of a chain of falsehood on the Internet, I deleted the article.

Which brings me to the mention of the poisoned atmosphere of public discourse in the virtual American Town Square, in which such a cruel sounding story against a gay man and his denial of his human rights, let alone his civil rights, in a Catholic hospital in America sounds totally plausible.

A lot of this vitriol regarding the inhumane treatment of human beings started I believe with the ambitious cunt of a bishop in Phoenix Thomas Olmsted and his decision to excommunicate a nun, an admistrator at St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital in Phoenix for making the hard but human decision to save the life of a pregnant mother over that of her unborn child.

That with the men who run the dioceses of the Catholic Church in America, it seems to be who can best and most demonize, and dehumanize minorities such as women or gays, in order to score points and gain promotions in the American Hierarchy.

That hopefully Thomas Olmsted is in Phoenix, that climatic hell on earth, for rest of his working life as a bishop and will go no further up the feeding chain of command in the hierarchy.

Other bishops, like Timothy Dolan, Charles Chaput, William Lori have done their bit to demonize and dehumanize minorities like women and gays and have done very well for themselves by their ambitious “unchristian” acts, lies and corruption.  Their sins against humanity are part of the public record.

I, in this blog, will not stand by in silence and let a fascist party or a fascist religion whittle down my humanity or the humanity of females or my homosexual brothers and sisters in Christ. I will not stand by when they make the Gays put on pink triangles to identify them before they ship them off to some concentration camp in Afghanistan etc. It has been done before. It can happen again, and here in America too.

I will on occasion write the incorrect observation of things in the Global and American Town Square.  I will delete what I think is false or blatantly without proof, common sense or logic. I will not be PC.

I stand by the humanistic words of Jesus as a guide in my life and I will fight all bullies and pigs in power, political and religious, who obstruct my own or my neighbor’s right to the dignity of life given to us by our Creator. 


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