Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sharing a Smoke in the Park - 1925 - Philly

Father’s Day theme, it only occurred to me this morning that the boys in the above photo were of an age to match my late father when this photo was taken.  It also fits in the hanging on the street corner theme I believe even if it is in a mini-park. 

The smoking end of the photo reminds me of my dad’s lifetime two pack a day habit of Lucky Strikes.  Of note I can remember being four or five and going down to the corner grocery store in the late fifties with $.26 to buy him a pack of cigarettes and they did not card me. Ha Ha.

On the fashion theme I see these young men in the photo are wearing short pants or knickers. I don’t know which term was correct in Philly at the time.  The short pants were I believe a carryover of when men wore breeches as in the case of George Washington etc.

Also of note, I see one of the boys wearing a sleeve garter.  I can remember my dad mentioning that in the old days, the white shirts were wool and would shrink with every washing. So shirts were bought with many sizes too large to accommodate long term wear before  passing them along as a hand me down to a younger sibling or cousin (recycling) and the sleeve garters helped to keep your cuffs from going down to your knees.  Then again, when sleeves got too short or too tight, there were always scissors and short sleeve shirts. 


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