Sunday, June 10, 2012

Secular Liberty being Attacked by Religious Liberty - Bill Donohue - “Catholic” League

Give me Secular Liberty or give me Death!

With Dolan away on vacation in Ireland, William Donohue over at Catholic League can relax, get a pedicure, toe paint and write the odd interview piece about women not fit to be nuns, the usual bully he-man woman haters club stuff he and the Cardinal famously get off on.

FOKS NEWS, fairly unbalanced is complaining that the librul press is ignoring Catholic Institutions suing the Negro Administration over forcing healthcare on its employees who are happy to live in the fourteenth century under the wisdom, love and guidance of the Medieval Bishops Guild or USCCB.

But seriously folks, "Big Bill" Donohue, over at the "Catholic" League, is trying to use Secular events to gauge and justify Timmy Dolan’s Bonus program for Pedophiles in Milwaukee which was definitely religious in origin and not secular. 

Secular is not Religious! Religious cannot be Secular.

One has to wonder what sort of cash has already been paid out in bonuses to perverts using the bottomless resources of the Archdiocese of New York with the New York City News Media afraid to print any truth about the local Prince Bishop since hick from the sticks (Milwaukee) Timmy arrived in the big city.

None of these incidents—and there are hundreds like them—will ever get the goat of those taking cheap shots at Cardinal Dolan. He inherited a big problem from the disgraced Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland, and did what he could to correct matters. Moreover, unlike public school employers, he didn’t grant lifetime salaries and benefits to suspected offenders. He should be commended, not condemned, for doing so.
You cannot use secular standards to justify your crimes against humanity cover up in Milwaukee without it being a direct attack of my “Secular Liberty” being trampled on by the jack boots of “Religious Liberty” and its proponents, paid for sycophant media stooges like Bill Donohue.

Give me Secular Liberty or give me death!


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