Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Pedo State Admin and Joe Paterno in Hell

On this Father’s Day, Penn State should be ashamed

Posted on June 17, 2012

This is supposed to be a day when we honor the men who take care of their children, the men who nurture and teach their kids the difference between right and wrong and shelter and protect them from the evil and ugliness of the outside world.

But on this Father’s Day, the most important story in sports is about a man and a football program that are the antithesis of what this day represents. Jerry Sandusky and Penn State University not only failed to protect hopeless, helpless children, Sandusky stands accused of sexually abusing them and Penn State of shamefully turning a blind eye to it.
One after another, the alleged victims took the witness stand in recent days and tragically provided the sad, searing, grim, grotesque testimony of how Sandusky raped them — anally, orally, spiritually and psychologically. In all, Sandusky is on trial for 52 criminal counts of sexual abuse involving 10 alleged victims during a 15-year period.
If you haven’t already lost all respect for Penn State, its administration and its iconic former coach Joe Paterno, I suggest you read the gut-wrenching, stomach-turning accounts of what Sandusky allegedly did to these young boys.
Essentially, according to prosecutors, Sandusky started his Second Mile charity for troubled youths and set himself up as a father figure for lost boys from broken homes who desperately needed a male role model in their lives. Sandusky was the man who pretended to be their sworn protector but instead turned out to be their sexual predator.
One skinny 18-year-old, identified as Victim 9, took the stand and told his sad, sickening story. He grew up in a trailer park; his mother worked in a pub, and his father was who knows where. He was typical of the type of kid Sandusky’s charity was supposed to rescue.
He testified that when he was younger, his mother kept sending him to Sandusky’s house because she thought he needed a father figure in his life. Little did she know that while her son slept in the basement of Sandusky’s home, the former Penn State assistant coach allegedly forced him into oral and anal sex.
The kid was 12 years old and weighed just 67 pounds then. He testified that he would sometimes scream, but nobody could hear him. He would sometimes resist, but nobody could help him.
“There was no fighting against him,” Victim 9 told the jury. “Look at him. He’s a big guy. He’s way bigger than me. What was I supposed to do?”
The saddest part of all is that this could have been stopped long ago if Paterno and Penn State had done something when they first learned Sandusky might be abusing boys. Former Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary testified that he told Paterno and other Penn State officials about an incident in 2001 when he walked into the Penn State locker room and saw Sandusky having sex in the shower with a prepubescent boy. “In hindsight,” Paterno told The Washington Post before he died a few months ago, “I wish I had done more.”
Paterno, of course, did nothing except tell his athletic director, who then proceeded to also do nothing. Sandusky, even though he mysteriously resigned as Paterno’s defensive coordinator years ago, was even allowed to keep an office in the athletic complex until police started investigating him last year.
And what we have now is the most disgusting, despicable scandal in the history of college athletics, the college-football equivalent of the Catholic Church for decades covering up for clergymen who were sexually abusing children.
How could this ever happen?
How could this possibly be?
Aren’t college-football coaches such as Paterno and Sandusky supposed to be the ultimate father figures?
But on this day, Sandusky stands accused of raping young boys, while Paterno and his superiors are all accomplices.


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