Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Great Heretic - John Paul II - the anti-People of God - CIA/KGB Pope

The Great Helmsman contemplates chemical formulas.

The Great Heretic and or the Great Hypocrite?  A man of great personal ambition, not faith, and the Poles want to make him a saint.  Polish joke somewhere in there.

One has to remember the Rockstar with his fawning masses of media groupies all trying to photograph him and write stories of the Great Helmsman steering a PC course against the Evil Soviet Union in that insane invented neo-con era of the “cold war”.

But what the majority of the People of God, the Church sees now is a neo-con seizure of that present Church of theology and assets and in direct reversal of Vatican II in General Wojtyla's “Reform of the Reform” and the present retreat into Medievalism under JPII and his fellow, former Nazi sympathizer successor Benedict XVI.

In the matter of the KGB assassination attempt on JPII because of his full swing and cooperation with the West and the CIA war on Moscow, his place in history is held together with paper, glue and Public Relations pubic hair. Nobody got a promotion to Bishop in cold war Poland without cooperating with the KGB - a fact of life. That and the present junta in power in Vatican City, stabbing all good men and women of faith in the back, as the last of the Vatican gold is shipped to Beijing for investment in Chinese slave factories.

The current Vatican meltdown has Secretary of State Bertone doing all in his power to rig the next papal election with the elevation of many to cardinal status, bought votes similar to those of mediocre cookie cutter minded stooges like American Cardinals Dolan and Burke, for a hand selected Neo-Con successor in the very near future.

One seems to forget John Paul’s invitation to Britain at the behest of the fascist minded Margaret Thatcher Government in May 1982 only to have John Paul II fly over to the fascist Junta in Argentina to give succor to fellow fascists and pretend to be a peace maker in the Falklands War.

I am reminded on how what a total creep and massive personal friend John Paul II was of the Pedophile King Father Marcial Maciel of the Legion of Christ anti-human cult within the RCC sect of Christianity.  The Pedophile King could not be $topped by John Paul II, would not be stopped when the bottom line spreadsheet had impressive  numbers of seminarians in makeshift seminaries in the third world filling up with the poor looking for lifetime meal ticket “celibate” employment (quantity, not quality). This meant more for personal power and prestige than that of the true Spirit of the Church.

Pedophile King Marcial Maciel and King of the Vatican JPII

WHEN POPE JOHN PAUL II died in April 2005, historian William M. Johnston used the term "Kafkaesque" to describe the flavour of the pontificate that had just ended. He argued that the late pope had governed the Catholic Church using Soviet-style techniques. Just as the comparatively small group of Communist Party loyalists had supervised, controlled and intimidated the wider Soviet bureaucracy, so too the Vatican curia in Rome had supervised, controlled and intimidated theologians and bishops in their dioceses around the world. And, said Johnston, this enforced conformity to the party line got tighter as you moved further up in the hierarchy, though it gradually loosened lower down. The result was a system in which priests and nuns were often very outspoken, but bishops were forced to remain silent. …An outback bishop who gets around in an ordinary suit and tie rather than a clerical collar and episcopal purple, Bill Morris, 68, comes across as modest, thoughtful, decent and practical. At one time he was secretary to former Archbishop of Brisbane, Frank Rush, and later parish priest of the Gold Coast, before being appointed Bishop of Toowoomba in 1993. His dismissal for "defective pastoral leadership" is an irony given his reputation as one of the most pastoral-minded of all the Australian bishops. To offer a single example, in 2009 he sacked the principal of a Toowoomba Catholic primary school and two Catholic Education officials for failing to report to the police an early complaint from one of 13 schoolgirls aged 9 and 10 who were sexually abused by a teacher. The teacher was later sentenced to 10 years in jail.

That the bottom line for the sacking of Bishop Bill Morris of Toowoomba in Australia was his willingness to hand over a sex abuse case involving a Catholic school teacher over to the cops. Something no American bishop and any RC bishop worldwide seems capable of doing.

That if anything is evident in the present Vatileaks scandal of the Ratzinger/Bertone Regime is that money, greed, embezzlement, bribery, blackmail and oral and anal sex among celibate seminarians, priests and bishops is the only way to get a head in the Vatican Whore House of politics. It is not what you know - it is who you blow - it would seem to be in papal politics these days

And John Paul II paved that way for power over love in the RCC of today. Thanks to the Great Heretic.

Sad. Truly truly sad to witness.


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