Friday, June 15, 2012

Cash from China Funding Romney Bid - China First for Jobs ?

Mitt Romney - Macau Candidate - China First

Newt Gingrich's former sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson with his empire of gambling in Las Vegas as a mere front to the global gambling without transparency or accountability, is now fueling the Mormon Prez candidate with money that probably originates in China, China, China.

China First! All those hundreds of thousands of jobs destroyed by Bain Capital, those Jobs have found a decent home, respected jobs by Chinese workers and not jobs direpected by American employees and taken away from them by Romney/Bain, are now in China thanks to lobbying efforts and money, money, money from Sheldon Adelson of Macau China.

Romney, the Manchurian Candidate, or more accurately the "Macau Candidate" now has unlimited slave generated cash from China being put into one of his many PACs to air propaganda in his Plutocrat bid for the White House.

Senator McCain in Arizona was making these points of corruption and takeover of the American Electoral Process open to the highest global bidder in the news.

In Sheldon Adelson We Trust

Restore Our Future, which is run by a handful of former Romney aides and confidantes, raised and spent more than $41 million during the Republican presidential primary season — money spent largely on negative television ads that went after the likes of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum. 
During the primary, Adelson and his family gave more than $20 million to a super PAC supporting Gingrich. But even then, sources close to the billionaire said he was comfortable with Romney as the eventual nominee. 
Adelson is the eighth-richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of about $25 billion dollars. 
A college dropout raised in Boston by poor Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, Adelson pursued various business ventures before striking gold in the computer trade show industry. He used that money to revive the Sands Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. He helped turn the Strip into a major convention destination and now owns resorts in Macao and Singapore. 
Adelson started out life as a Democrat. But in the 80s and 90s, as his wealth grew and he clashed with unionized hotel workers, he became a loyal Republican. He also supports conservative politicians and causes in Israel, where he owns the newspaper Israel Hayom. He also donates millions to charity, in particular medical research. 
He told the Las Vegas Sun in May that he would  was “going to give one more small donation — you might not think it's that small — to a super PAC and then if I give it will be to a C4.” (A 501c4 group does not have to disclose its donors; the GOP-backing Crossroads GPS is a likely beneficiary of Adelson’s funds.) 
“I’m against very wealthy ­people attempting to or influencing elections,” he said in a March Forbes interview. “But as long as it’s doable I’m going to do it.”
China First - Romney Bain Exported New Jobs Foreign Policy Proposal?


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