Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cardinal Timmy Dolan: Like Obama is like “Strangling” my Meal Ticket Fat Cat Catholic Church

Where is my free lunch, I mean tax free religious Lasagna?

Lately, most articles in the media, MSM, are censored on any news of this latest Vatican Banking, Spying or Child Abuse scandals  by having no comments following the articles on the Internet. I had to dig real hard to find comments, honest first amendment comments, against the FAT CAT CATHOLIC CHURCH. Here below is an article and some comments.

Cardinal Dolan and his Fat Cat Catholic Cronies are suppressing my “Secular Liberty” by crowding out the so-called public media space in the Virtual American Town Square with their lazy fast ass religious liberty bullshit.


Another blowhard who's making the Catholic Church incredibly irrelevant to today's modern world.


”We’re like, wait a minute, when did the government get in the business of defining for us the extent of our ministry?”. 

When you agreed to take public financing!


The church's position that marriage and sex must be open to procreation reduces human beings to brood cattle. It demeans marriage and sex. 

The only strangler of the Catholic Church is the Catholic Church. They worry about children not yet conceived while covering up the abuse of thousands of children for centuries.


Dolan is much, much crazier than I was expecting when he was appointed. Should have known, I guess, considering who appointed him.


As a fallen away Catholic who left the Church nearly 30 years ago because I considered its stand on contraception then to be a fraud, I'm glad to see I've been vindicated. 

The Bishops had no Biblical evidence for their stand against birth control then or now...except that it gives women and families control over their own lives and makes faith a more personal thing to seek. It truly helps one to be Born Again as an adult. We are not children.
It's not the President's fault but their own sin of pride that is the problem. 


Scathing condemnation of the sexual abuse of minors by members of the Catholic clergy, and of the inadequacy, negligence, cowardice, and perhaps even criminal inaction of members of the hierarchy in response to the scandal is well deserved, and not evidence of anti-Catholic bigotry.


1 comment:

  1. The words "ebullient" "jolly" "jovial" "effusive" are no longer coming forth for the Cardinal of Gotham. A darker, testier, peevish and arrogant prelate is revealing himself.
    His rhetoric is out-of-control and hysterical. To say Obama is "strangling" anything is no more true than when he said the pope was being "scourged at the pillar" by the press.
    Timmy, I'm not listening because you are not honest.
