Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Brit School Girl Martha Payne School Lunch Blog Ban Lifted

British School Lunch - Cheese Burger Deluxe  £2  

A controversial ban preventing a nine-year-old girl from photographing her school meals has been lifted following a storm of protest on the internet.
Martha Payne, from Argyll, has now recorded more than three million hits on her Never Seconds blog. 
Argyll and Bute Council said press coverage of the blog had led catering staff to fear for their jobs. 
But council leader Roddy McCuish later told the BBC he had instructed senior officials to lift the ban immediately. 
The schoolgirl's father, David Payne, who helped her set up the blog, welcomed the decision.
Martha began publishing photographs of her Lochgilphead Primary School lunches on 30 April.

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