Sunday, May 27, 2012

No Transparency – Carl A. Anderson – Vatican Bank IOR Scandal – Knights of Columbus

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson of the Knights of Columbus (rumored to be the Catholic Masons), banker to mere popes, has spoken so eloquently on the current Vatican Bank scandal.
(Certainly no bloviating ignoramus like Donald Trump or any other sleazebag GOP operative types.)

Carl Anderson measures his words carefully, following years of dealings with the Vatican and prior to that, following his time spent working at the White House with Ronald Reagan. Of the four board members of the IOR, who on Thursday chose to oust their president Ettore Gotti Tedeschi with a no-confidence vote, Anderson, an American with placid manners, was the one who had to break to the volatile economist that his “progressively erratic personal behaviour” was not longer tolerated. Anderson could not even show Gotti Tedeschi the door, because the former president stormed out from the IOR building while his colleagues of IOR governing council were still deliberating  whether to dismiss him.  Thus the reasons for his dismissal, including the “odd behaviour” were written down in a harsh memorandum drafted by Anderson, listing Gotti Tedeschi’s many “failures”…. 
Anderson put the charge into context. He is one of the most famous personalities in the American Catholic world. As Supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, he is the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization, which has more than 1.8 million members and which in the US is a true financial power in the life-insurance field, in 2010 the insurance companies of the Knights earned 7 billion dollars in life-insurance policies.

The Black Tower, K of C HQ, New Haven Connecticut


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