Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lunatics in Indiana Prosecute Attempted Suicide Victim for Death of Fetus – Bei Bei Shuai - Heartland (Heartless) Justice

美国华人女子自杀未成 却被控告谋杀腹中胎儿

Bei Bei Shuai took rat poison when her boyfriend left her, leading to the death of their unborn child. Now she's facing life in prison.

When her baby Angel died in her arms at 1.30am on 3 January 2011, Bei Bei Shuai was so distraught she was instantly transferred to the mental health wing of the Methodist hospital in Indianapolis. Grief stricken and under heavy sedation, she was unaware that within half an hour of her baby's death a detective from the city's homicide branch had arrived at the maternity ward and had begun asking questions.

While Shuai was embarking on a journey into bereavement that continues to this day, the Indianapolis authorities were also setting out, albeit along a very different path. On 14 March last year Shuai was arrested and taken into custody in the high-security Marion County prison, where she was held for the next 435 days, charged with murdering her foetus and attempted feticide. If convicted of the murder count she faces a sentence of 45 years to life.


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