Friday, May 25, 2012

Facebook – Pornography – Divorce?

It is not illegal to post pictures of your erect penis or your wide open twat in self-made porn on Facebook with your cell phone camera. 

Of course restricted access in most cases separates Grandma’s pictures of baby from the steamy underside of the new age of “social interface”.  

The giggly teenage girls will still gossip and 20% of America divorces now citing Facebook in divorce cases will move on in time to the next flavor of the month “social network” thing.  But think about it.  

American are so much more gung ho. And Facebook was originally designed exclusively for college kids, drugs, sex, alcohol, Spring Break. Bring on the self-produced porn in the bathroom mirror and dirty steamy messages.

“Leisure time” activity, the pursuit of happiness?

Now we know why the Facebook stock scam  is worth 104 billion dollars in capital  on the stock market and why every pension fund and 401k in America must have it in their stock portfolio even at a loss with fees, fees, fees included.  

Wall Street certainly knows how to judge the moral compass or non-moral compass of America and currently it is Facebook.

Facebook was by far the biggest offender, with 66 per cent of lawyers citing it as the primary source of evidence in a divorce case. MySpace followed with 15 per cent, Twitter at 5 per cent and other choices lumped together at 14 per cent. 
The survey reflects the findings of a UK law firm last year showing that 20 per cent of its divorce petitions blamed Facebook flings…. 
The most common reason seemed to be people having inappropriate sexual chats with people they were not supposed to,’ said Mark Keenan, managing director of Divorce-Online. 
Friends Reunited faced similar claims when it was launched to help people reconnect with old classmates, but the 23 million plus people now using Facebook in Britain means it is having a much bigger effect on rising divorce rates….  
An American minister also made the headlines recently when he called Facebook a ‘portal to infidelity’ and insisted that his congregation delete their accounts after revealing that 20 couples attending his New Jersey church had been led astray through the site. 
Rev. Cedric Millier, who runs the Living World Christian Fellowship Church in Neptune, New Jersey, said Facebook enabled spouses to reconnect with former lovers, leading to rows and bitterness. 
But Rev. Miller was forced to take a leave of absence after his own non-Facebook transgressions were revealed in an admission that he took part in three-way sexual trysts in the past. 

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