Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pedophile Priests Philly - Nobody's Perfect

Jurors in a clergy-abuse trial heard Tuesday about a priest who was left in ministry for years after therapists called him a manipulative pedophile and a ticking time bomb.

The evidence was presented by prosecutors in the child-endangerment trial of Monsignor William Lynn, the longtime secretary for clergy in Philadelphia. Prosecutors say he helped keep dangerous priest-predators in jobs where they could continue to abuse children.

Tuesday's evidence focused on the late Father Peter Dunne, who had served as a Boy Scout leader and director of a Bucks County school for delinquent boys and at one point had two young men living with him at a parish in Oxford, Pa.

The archdiocese had Dunne evaluated after an Oregon doctor complained in 1986 that he had been abused by Dunne, his former priest and Scout leader. The doctor later lost his license for molesting patients, leaving his wife and children deeply in debt, according to a 2005 grand jury report.

Therapists who evaluated Dunne warned that he had addictive sexual compulsions and should never be around children. They recommended around-the-clock supervision.

"(The psychologist) stated quite bluntly that that he feels we are sitting on a powder keg," one internal church memo said.
The series of memos shown in court Tuesday demonstrate that Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua had three concerns about the case: scandal, the good of the church and Dunne's welfare, in that order.

The potential risk to children was not mentioned.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/24/memos-pa-priest-labeled-pedophile-stayed-in-job/#ixzz1szXn4TAd

Philly Crime Boss "Big Tony" Bevilacqua


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