Tuesday, February 14, 2012

War on Religion – We Hate Sex

War on Religion equals We Hate Sex is a quote I think from the Daily Kos guy on Olbermann.

Somewhere along the timeline, the fear factor that is the Republican Party merged with the Roman Catholic church.  The church's fear of sex, all sex, and the aging white boomers' male fear of not being able to get it up is the foundation of this new social construct in America. That, rather than issues being discussed in the current election cycle.

Obama’s new so-called “war on religion” is just a personification of the old south myth about the rogue colored man raping the white women fear factor.

The word of course would be rape.  No free white woman would cross the color line.  No free white woman could enjoy sex with a member of another species and or race. Enjoy sex that white men are not capable of giving.

And of course, the war on Obama is a coded wink nod war against his color or half color so to speak.

And the fear of sex by the so called seventy year old male virgins running the RCC is a surrogate war on Obama via women and their strange vagina things by these strange men, really creatures, in dresses, still actively, perceptually, living the Roman Empire life fifteen hundred years after the death of that empire.

Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus; Bishops are from Closets?

The churches are empty. 

The Government subsidizes the churches via crony faith based capitalism.

While I believe some physical churches in the USA could be turned into museums like in Rome for the lack of a flock, maybe we should just close all the churches and just send the monthly government faith based subsidy entitlement to some lock box at Wall Street or Vatican City.

Have a nice day.


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