Sunday, February 26, 2012

Doctor Nicola Riley of Utah – Legal Defense Fund

Doctor Nicola Riley of Utah has set up a website seeking support and donations for her defense and expert witness expenses.
As you may well know, Dr. Riley has been indicted for Murder in Maryland as a licensed doctor and in the performance of the female medical procedure of abortion.
What is this case about? 
In August of 2010, Dr. Riley provided a lawful and consensual second trimester pregnancy termination in a county in Maryland. She is now the subject of a prosecution for an alleged fetal homicide that the authorities claim was viable at 20 weeks. 
On December 28, 2011, eighteen police officers and federal marshals, came to Dr. Riley’s home (her family and minors present), with guns drawn and arrested her for murder. She was held without bail for twenty three days. The Maryland State’s Attorney used a 2005 fetal homicide law which had previously been used to prosecute defendants who attacked pregnant women and caused the demise of their fetuses for murder. Prior to Dr. Riley’s indictment, no doctor had ever been charged with murder for performing an abortion. In fact Maryland law provides doctors and patients with immunity for performing/consenting to this lawful medical procedure. 
If this case is successful, although the law guarantees a women’s right to a safe legal abortion, there will be no doctors to perform them. What doctor would risk being prosecuted for murder to perform a legal abortion? 
Dr. Riley has denied any criminal liability and through counsel is contesting the overreaching of both the Maryland statute and the prosecution that threatens Dr. Riley, as well as the many women who seek lawful, competent advice and services. To do so may require the assistance of experts to assist Dr. Riley and her defense counsel.
ELKTON, MD. — A judge has set a trial date of June 27 for a Utah abortion doctor charged with murder for the death of a fetus during a 2010 procedure in Maryland. 
Dr. Nicola Riley is charged under a Maryland law that allows prosecutors to pursue murder charges in the death of a viable fetus. Her former colleague, Dr. Steven Brigham of Voorhees, has been charged in the deaths of five fetuses. 
The law had not previously been used against abortion doctors, and attorneys for both doctors have argued that they are immune from prosecution. But Cecil County prosecutors have indicated they believe any killing of a viable fetus is homicide. 
Riley’s trial is scheduled to last through mid-July. Brigham is scheduled for trial starting on June 6.
Other Ways to Help
Please contact your local branch of the following organizations and ask them to support the defense of Dr. Riley.

Planned Parenthood 



The National Abortion Federation  

Thank you.

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