Friday, February 17, 2012

Chris Christie – the Price of my Soul – GOP VP and a Triple Order of Sausage and Peppers to go

425 pound Chris Christie Gumba Veto in Jersey on the equal marriage, civil rights bill.

Pass the pepper flakes a**hole!

Oh yeah, munch, munch.  I do not lead.  I only eat. 

Supersize it!

(AP)  TRENTON, N.J. - Gov. Chris Christie has followed through on his promise to reject a bill allowing same-sex marriage in New Jersey by quickly vetoing the measure Friday.

The veto came a day after the state Assembly passed the bill. The state Senate had passed it on Monday. Christie, a Republican who opposes same-sex marriage, had vowed "very swift action" once the bill reached his desk.
In returning the bill to the Legislature, Christie reaffirmed his view that voters should decide whether to change the definition of marriage in New Jersey. His veto also proposed creating an ombudsman to oversee compliance with the state's civil union law, which same-sex couples have said is flawed.
"I am adhering to what I've said since this bill was first introduced -- an issue of this magnitude and importance, which requires a constitutional amendment, should be left to the people of New Jersey to decide," Christie said in a statement. "I continue to encourage the Legislature to trust the people of New Jersey and seek their input by allowing our citizens to vote on a question that represents a profoundly significant societal change. This is the only path to amend our State Constitution and the best way to resolve the issue of same-sex marriage in our state."


1 comment:

  1. Hey its your old blogging friend "Dream Weacer." I've been silent for awhile but I always keep an eye on you. Can't wait to see what you have on kindle. I'm back! Come over and visit. dreamweaver
