Sunday, February 12, 2012

Becket Fund, Far Right’s ACLU, Behind EWTN’s Suit Against Women’s Rights

Over the years, one gets the idea that some little humble Catholic monastery/nunnery in the middle of Alabama is the best place to air black and white reruns of Insight and Bishop Sheen’s instructions on how to survive the coming nuclear holocaust with the Soviet Union, that that particular propaganda TV station amidst the cows and pastures is a little bit more than it seems.

That Sister Rizzo is just a front with the Religious TV Scam???

I don’t know why a Cable TV station feels that it must sue the Federal Government over HHS fair trade rules, but hey, if you’ve got GOP Pac money and the Becket Fund behind you, why not get on the overpaid martyr bandwagon against the Negro Predender President Barack Obama, it is as good as any other place to restart the culture war and hate that seems to be the vinegar blood of the RCC controlled by the Neo-Con Bishops and Neo-Con politicians these days.

The War for control of the New Global Town Square and New Global Culture – Game On.

The Becket Fund was founded in 1994 by Kevin Hasson, who had previously worked at the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department and the Washington law firm Williams & Connolly, in which capacity he became well-known and controversial for defending Catholic University's decision to fire Charles Curran for his opposition to Church doctrine despite his being one of the most widely respected Catholic moral theologians in the academic community. This fact has raised serious questions in academic circles about the sincerity of Hasson's, and by extension the Becket Fund's, commitment to religious freedom.
Hasson named The Becket Fund after Thomas Becket, who was murdered accidentally in 1170 after a long series of altercations and events between the English monarch and state, the papacy and Becket.
In January 2007, Becket Fund Vice President and General Counsel Anthony Picarello, Jr. was named by American Lawyer magazine as one of the fifty most promising young litigators in the United States. Picarello became General Counsel of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in late September 2007.

Hasson signed his name to a full-page advertisement in the December 5, 2008 edition of  The New York Times which objected to violence and intimidation against religious institutions following the passage of Proposition 8. 

(What I don’t understand is how the victimizers in the public square get to yell “victim” and martyrdom and sainthood all at the same time as they are laughing all the way to the bank?

Religion in America has nothing to do with Jesus and or God.

Religion in America is nothing but a tax free scam.) 


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