Thursday, January 12, 2012

Catholic United States Supreme Court Protects Religion Bigotry Entitlement over mere Secular Human Rights

SCOTUS Approved Workplace Rules?

The hack elitist US Supreme Court, run under the skirts of the Vatican, with its Catholic majority is out of touch of every day workers reality.

If a church has employees, if they pay taxes to the state, social security, Medicare taxes etc., do these employees have to surrender their human rights to sue under secular laws like in this case because their employers claim a connection to the great mafia godfather in the sky?

Ignorance and injustice is somehow grandfathered in the law if it is connected to the mythical grandfather in the sky?

Ignorance. Injustice. Fantasy. Delusion. – The U.S. Supreme Court 

WASHINGTON — In a groundbreaking case, the Supreme Court today held for the first time that religious employees of a church cannot sue for employment discrimination.

But the court’s unanimous decision in a case from Michigan did not specify the distinction between a secular employee, who can take advantage of the government’s protection from discrimination and retaliation, and a religious employee, who can’t.

It was, nevertheless, the first time the high court has acknowledged the existence of a “ministerial exception” to anti-discrimination laws — a doctrine developed in lower court rulings. This doctrine says the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of religion shields churches and their operations from the reach of such protective laws when the issue involves employees of these institutions.

The case came before the court because the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued the Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School of Redford on behalf of employee Cheryl Perich, over her firing, which happened after she complained of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

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