Friday, December 23, 2011

NJ Catholic “Religious Liberty” Bigots wants to erase Thomas Nast from History books – anybody got a match?

The artist cartoonist Thomas Nast 1840-1902, who invented the images of Uncle Sam, Santa Claus, the Republican Elephant, the Democratic Donkey and brought down the corrupt Boss Tweed NYC admin in the 1870s with his pen, is being dissed in his grave by a bunch of catholic “religious liberty” bigots who want to remove him from the New Jersey Hall of Fame.

This, in the new spirit of catholic "religious liberty" exceptionalism. All American Protestant Christian history not conforming to love of the RCC must be rewritten or drastically revised, if not outright totally destroyed.

So typical of the catholic fascist bully mindset to want to tear pages out of history and art books for the sake of ethnic purity and cleansing.  Why not just burn down the whole public library state Reps. DeAngelo and Rible instead of just a few books that you and your papist masters don’t like?

Nast was the Main Stream Media back then.  To remove him is just more retro-GOP-revisionist history.

Of course then, in the spirit of the times back when, Nast did depict the Pope as some misogynist, money grubbing, territory stealing monarch.  The only thing left out of the papist Nast Cartoons was the pedophilia.  Art imitated reality a bit too accurately back then perhaps except for well kept secret crimes.

And some of my boot licking drunk Irish Catholic ancestors got depicted in Simian profile.  But hell, they did look like a bunch of my ancestors malnourished and working under paid in upstate Pennsylvania coal mines etc. from memory and old photos.

Like the Catholic Guinea ringleader of the Supreme Court says “Get over it!”

Get a life.  Get a hobby.  Get a heart. My God what a bunch of losers on the public dole these days in both parties!

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