Saturday, December 10, 2011

It’s all About Me! NEWT GINGRICH! – The man who stole civility from America in the Nineties and to this day

It's all about ME!

Plastic Phony- mean Spirited Republicanism is back. Thank Satan!

The man has to be the center of attention!

Any remark he makes has to be the most witty-ist in a room filled with other plastic mean spirited Republicans.  

Applause! Applause! Fawn! Fawn! Fawn!

Any third rate scholar's remark – polite B16 applause and respect.  (A wave to the little people)

All those millions of phony, angry, starving, cheated out of their humanity by Israel – “Invented People” Palestinians...

You tell them, those brown skinned assholes, Newt!

Applause! How so so witty you really are - Newt!


A great Conservative of the Ages has risen among us. 

Bow your unworthy heads.

What a pile of “human” shit!  (Newt and the GOP)


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