Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Quintus Aurelius Symmachus – Victory (Nike) - Tolerance - Ecumenism

A sacred shrine of the goddess Victory (Nike) was removed from the Roman Senate chamber in 382 C.E. by one Roman emperor.
Quintus Aurelius Symmachus, a Roman politician, statesman, scholar and Pagan appealed to the next emperor in 384 C.E. for the return of this sacred feminine symbol that had been in the Senate for over four hundred years and placed there originally by Augustus himself.

An appeal to religious toleration and ecumenism within the Roman family of religions by Quintus Aurelius Symmachus was made to the politically weak and notorious pedophile Roman Emperor Valentinian II, and on the fence in terms of beliefs in the theology monopoly sought by Constantine’s Christian Cult.

"And so we ask for peace for the gods of our fathers, for the gods of our native land. It is reasonable that whatever each of us worships is really to be considered one and the same. We gaze up at the same stars, the sky covers us all, the same universe compasses us. What does it matter what practical systems we adopt in our search for the truth. Not by one avenue alone can we arrive at so tremendous an understanding of the mystery, the all, of the Universe." -- Quintus Aurelius Symmachus

To which a reply for puppet emperor Valentinian arrived from the anti-feminist, self-hating homosexual bishop of Milan, Ambrose, which set the tone of religious intolerance for another thousand years in western culture. One can only imagine what words came out of such a twisted human mind and heart.

Victoriam et nudus ante frustra neque ad militiam neque ad gloriam Christi Dei nostril 
The naked tits of Victory serve no purpose, either to the army or the glory of Jesus, our God

The magic sacred trinity of power: the Emperor, the Army and the Church, was born.
And, also sealed, for another eleven hundred years, the standards of Catholic religious intolerance and Catholic Bigotry until the arrival of the great Christian Reformer Martin Luther in 1517.

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