Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pope Peter the Last – Cardinal Turkson of Ghana

A papal contender grabs the spotlight

Benedict isn’t dead yet and they are dragging potential successors out onto the meat runway to show their stuff. Down boys!

(BTW, according to Saint Malachy's urban legend, the next pope, the last pope, will be named Peter.)
…Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
Turkson, still young in church terms at 63, was the chief organizer of the Assisi gathering, just as he was the top signatory on the document blasting "neo-liberal" ideologies and calling for a "true world political authority" to regulate the economy. ( Come again? ) During Vatican press conferences ... Turkson was the star attraction each time.
Can anyone say, papabile?...
Because he runs the Vatican's office on peace and justice, there's a natural tendency in some quarters to assume that Turkson must be on the liberal side. In truth, people who know him say that in many ways, he's fairly conservative. For instance, when the Vatican moved recently to assert tighter control over Caritas Internationalis, the Rome-based umbrella group for Catholic charities worldwide, Turkson told people behind the scenes that maybe beefing up its Catholic identity wasn't a bad idea.
Turkson certainly does not feel bound by the canons of Western political correctness. He's bluntly said on several occasions, for instance, that theological dialogue with Muslims is basically impossible, so it's better to concentrate on solving social problems. During the recent Synod for the Middle East, Turkson was among the voices calling for a stronger challenge to Islamic governments to respect the rights of religious minorities.
At the same time, the Council for Justice and Peace under Turkson has quietly resisted efforts by some neo-conservative and free-market Catholic groups in the West, especially in the United States, to exercise greater influence on its work -- suggesting that he doesn't want the office to be captive to any particular ideological agenda.
Without doubt, Turkson sees himself as a tribune for Africa and the peoples of developing nations generally….
When do the Europeans pack their bags and move, outsource the company business headquarters south - way south, to Yamoussoukro Ivory Coast? Next door to Ghana.  How convenient. One step ahead of the prosecutors at the Hague?  A new African Vatican?  Next door to the largest church on the planet?

Inquiring minds want to know.   LOL

Please explain to me again why they built this corporate headquarters backup site for $300 million back in the early eighties?  A place to sit out the results of WWIII between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.?


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