Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Susan Sarandon – Catholic League Scapegoat for Bishop Finn Cover Up

Us “Screaming Bill” fans had been waiting all weekend for Bill Donohue over at the Catholic League to concoct new standards for child pornography in his defense of all things Catholic, namely Bishop Finn on his child abuse indictment - we were sorely disappointed.
I for one was waiting for Bill Donahue to say something like - that six year old girl is a slut and forced Father Ratigan in the Kansas City Missouri diocese to take naked and partially naked pictures of her while sleeping. 
Better yet I was waiting for the Catholic League to say that Lewis Carroll, the author of Alive in Wonderland, took nude and semi-nude pictures of little girls way back in that wholesome Victorian era.  Carroll’s photos were considered art and not pedophila.  How could we not give less consideration to Father Ratigan and his budding artistic muse?  
After all, Bishop Finn and his cronies at the chancellery took six months to a year considering allegations against him.
But oh no!  No defense of Bishop Finn Bill!
Just a jump on the bones of a female actress’s sarcastic remark about that darling little Nazi devil in the Vatican.  Surely they were words, terms of endearment.
It takes intelligence Bill to understand and appreciate sarcasm.
Lighten up Bill.  Get a sense of humor.

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