Monday, October 10, 2011

The Painted Tin Ceiling of the Sky

The jukebox plays Frank,
and the old bar and grill sags
beneath dust and grimy walls,
lead paint peeling off from above.
(Memories sweet and sad
linger of the essence of you.)
Momentary reflection
is a mistake. For what
happened happened
both good and good
and with the bad.
(we never could quite
reconnect again - but we did try)
I miss the old days sometimes.
This old place will be a
coffee haven soon - what romance
can be sparked over latte and
a smoke free environment?
Youth it was so simple
and flawed.
(And they won't play Frank anymore.
Buy the CD - with your takeout grande.)
A mind wanders back
and wonders -
what I woulda, coulda,
shoulda done.
Life's journey
can be fickle.
Why test the fates?
Now - so late.
You are what you are
and where you should be.
Any other path leads
onto, into, assumptions
and imagined destinies.
The good road; the bad road?
Soft ego strokes.
Hard Ego Hits.
Soft karma (?)
a shuffle of the cards.
Hard fate - served
on plain white plates.
A mind wanders back
and wonders?
Why some judgement calls
did not hit the mark?
(Memories sweet and sad
linger of the essence of you.)
And saying I'm sorry
now to another long gone
or to one's self
seems far too lazy
and too late - too late.
In retrospect.
We had or seemed
to have so little control.
Best to blame the gods.
Only two things true
about life -
death and taxes.
(worth repeating -
death and taxes.)
Everything else, like love,
is or has been merely
coincidence perhaps.
And what is coincidence?
(like our meeting)
I told you once. Did you listen?
Coincidence is
nothing more than
excess energy - bouncing off
the painted tin ceiling
of the sky.

Article Source:  e-book, Painted Tin Ceiling of the Sky

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