Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Money Hungry Fascists are Dead Inside - (Zombies?)

A bit of street theatre Monday as Wall Street protesters dressed as Corporate Zombies.

The Daily Mail is normally a suck ass establishment organ of propaganda in Britain.  Their article above does have an interesting array of photos not available in the censored free American Press and airwaves.

I took the title above off a hand painted cardboard sign.  That image in the Daily Mail article seems to express so much truth reflecting the anger we Americans have these days regarding immoral acts of business and government and the resulting collateral damage to us, the people.

I did the corporate grind so to speak for many decades.  It was necessary to support myself and my family and was part of the American Dream that I was building for myself and as a legacy to those that come after.

I never sold my soul to make my daily bread.  Nobody should have to.

I do wonder why millionaires are not satisfied. They used to only dream of but not need billions to be happy.  Now they are aiming at trillions and at the very expense and fabric of humanity.

Worth repeating.

Money Hungry Fascists are Dead Inside.  Zombies?

(trick of treat anyone?)

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