Friday, October 28, 2011

Defining Terms - ChristoFascism - ProLife - Bishop Lori - Trent Franks

Bishop Inquisitor Bill Lori of Connecticut testified before a sweetheart congressional committee to describe the erosion of “religious freedom” caused by Obama and his department of HHS etc.

Bishop to Congress: Religious freedom subject to 'rapid erosion'

Among the policies and laws Lori singled out were:
  • A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate that health insurance plans cover contraceptives and sterilization as "preventative services" in health care plans.
  • A new requirement from the same department that government contracts to those who provide services to victims of human trafficking only go to those that provide contraceptive and abortion services. Lori says that requirement assures that the bishops' Migration and Refugee Services "will be barred from participation in the program."…
  •  Among the bills Lori said Congress should pass are the "Protect Life Act," which passed the House on Oct. 13, and the "Respect for Rights of Conscience Act."
  • The "Protect Life Act" would prohibit women covered under the health care reform law from buying health insurance plans that cover abortion and would make it legal for hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women with life-threatening conditions. The "Respect for Rights of Conscience Act" would allow certain religiously affiliated institutions to opt out of other coverage requirements in the reform bill.
Follow the money.  If you want to destroy the power of these gay bashing, vagina hating, pedophile enabling money men, the pro-life bishops, don’t call them what they want to be called “Pro-Life” – what life, they are more like criminals than holy men. 
Don’t confuse terms.  Christo fascism accurately describes the ongoing crime of Bishops in bed with Big Money and Corporations, a term I think that might confuse the public. A new user friendly term to help enlighten the public is needed to shed light on these covert crimes involving gross conflicts of interest combining politics, religion and unregulated greed. 
They, Big Money and Corporations, control the media and they want to confuse us.   Presently they seem to be interchanging two terms Religious Freedom or Religious Liberty looking for the perfect final sell, marketing term, to push this new culture war idea. Power is the name of the game - not Religion - freedom and liberty are merely just add-on chump words I believe. Think about it, especially the next time the media throws these mind game words/terms at you.
The big money boys and politicos did the same thing with the terms Climate Change vs. Global Warming.  I am still confused. Not really, but it took a long time for me to focus on the heart of the problem.  Now it is too late I fear regarding that likely doomsday scenario. Whatever.
Am waiting to see what official title Tim Dolan finally chooses for this new emergency profits for the Health Care Industrial Complex ad hoc committee and at what point in the 2012 election produces that final term as a code word for non-truth. This new USCCB committee - on Religious Safety (my term) was recently formed.

Follow the money.

Lori was not testifying about religion.  He actually was mostly testifying about medical procedures in front of Rep. Franks of Arizona, a freakin Evan Mecham appointee, hack toadie - Racist Evan Mecham, such a failed Arizona Governor that even the Rednecks cheered when they impeached his sorry ass out of Phoenix - for Christ’s sake! - and Trent Franks, oil man and shill for a half dozen money laundering non-profit right wing political think tanks and ignorance enabling culture war agenda groups.

Back to Lori, Bishop in the Health Insurance Headquarter Capital of the Universe / Connecticut…follow the money?
Anybody notice how some Prostate screening tests are being discounted recently by Federal Committees and will soon disappear or how women “don’t need” so many Mammograms as announced by Federal Committees­ etc.?  Follow the money.
Follow the money.  Indict some, many more “pro-life” crooks, religious and secular, under R.I.C.O. laws. 
Have a nice day.

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