Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Papal Bull “Laudabiliter” - Adrian IV- Ireland

Today, August 23, 2011, marks to 841st anniversary of the British occupation of Ireland.

It is a date when Norman ne’er do well William Strongbow landed in Waterford in what would be the final victory of the invaders from England over the Irish island, people and culture to this day.  The invaders still occupy the north of that island.

Strongbow was so successful that Henry II of England beat a path to Ireland to demand loyalty of his vassal Strongbow who got shafted by Henry in the aftermath of the long civil war or monarchial dispute between usurper King Stephen and Henry’s mother Matilda. 

Twenty odd years of civil war back and forth and Henry succeeded Stephen under his mother’s rightful claim to the throne. 

Strongbow had backed Stephen over Henry and so Henry treated him like dirt until he pulled off the near impossible and put the conquest of Ireland within grasp of the English crown.

Henry II fell back, on what some say was a forgery, the Papal Bull “Laudabiliter” of Pope Adrian IV, oddly enough the last English pope.
The document supposedly gave Henry Ireland in exchange for the destruction of the non-Latin Celtic Church in favor of the Church of Rome.  The Celtic Church, centuries old since the introduction of  Christianity by Saint Patrick, had never aligned itself with Rome and among its practices was the ordination of women to the priesthood.

So, in essense, the poltical destruction of Ireland began on this date in 1170 C.E. along with the cultural rape and elimination of the organic Irish Christian church.  The penis rules both in politics and religion from that point on in real time in Ireland.

A united Ireland shall overcome one day the sexist evil forced on it by the Church of Rome.

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