Friday, July 15, 2011

Protest Outside Rupert Murdoch's 5th Avenue Home


  1. Are the cheesy brains too full of it to change the channel if they hate Fox News...
    Fox Nexs is one of the few news sources that speaks truth and is too fair to the morons...

  2. The real truth is you are trying to silence Fox News precisely because they do tell the truth...otherwise you would just change the channel...
    Fox must be doing a bang up job of exposing evil since men like you are not smart enough to change the channel and want to silence truth to the entire world by destroying Fox News.

  3. so cheese brain, if Rubert Murdoch goes down how many will be unemployed??? You are shooting your friends in the foot...

    Or does the job party mean destruction of jobs, not creation...

  4. Is that you Roger, down there in your bunker??? Love you Rog!
