Friday, July 22, 2011

Mormons more Christian than Catholics

I should perhaps put a question mark next to the above title.  But then no, I am expressing my personal opinion.  That opinion came to mind reading of a Fox News “journalist” expressing her intolerant, perhaps uneducated, opinion on that weird network.
Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch’s personal wizard over at Fox News has had Ainsley (I’m a blonde) (yes you are!) Earhardt state that Mitt Romney is not a Christian on the show Fox and Fiends. This when playing up Rick Perry being a better GOP presidential candidate because he is "Christian" and Romney is "obviously not" in her probably prepared and scripted by Ailes response.  (obviously - four syllables - wow - Emmy time) 
Ainsley no doubt already has dreams of giving Rick Perry an exclusive softball interview on FOX with prepared questions from Roger’s “Brain Room”/bunker in the basement over there at 1211 Sixth Ave in NYC. 
Perry may or may not be a Christian, (does he know how to read) but he is a traitor of sorts in that he already has proposed secession of Texas from the union of the United StatesThat’s treason in my book IMHO.
From what I have experienced in life from Roman Catholicism is that they don’t read the bible as much as they read their catechism.  From what I have read and have experienced  from knowing Mormons, is that they know more about the bible, old and new testament, than most Christians including god nutter (can he read) Rick Perry or the average Catholic.
Perhaps Ainsley’s bra is on too tight and it is affecting circulation to her brain. Is religion bashing, intolerance, ignorance ( I won’t call a possible slip of her tongue in this instance hate ) - one of her hobbies and or only talents besides reading off cue cards?
Love you Rog!

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