Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dinosaur Belt – Alabama to Idaho – Women - Disentitlement - Disenfranchisement

There are places on this planet and in the United States I would not like to live.  They are places here where the local legislatures want to legislate their own regional (?), personal (?), morality (?).

There are places in the USA where dinosaurs never died out it would seem, or at least they have been sighted in living memory, like in the past 6,000 years, places in the center of the continent, places from Texas north to the Canadian border.   It is a place I label as the Dinosaur Belt in geographic terms.

We all know what cokehead Sigmund Freud said about anatomy “being destiny”. But should a drug addict with a PhD. know or have the final word on the evolution of half the human species?

In the spirit of the myth of the gift of “free choice” that the Christians attribute to coming from their mean spirited desert god (with a penis), some recently fallen legislatures in the 2010 election, some holier than thou class of Christian legislators (not all Christians are this insane, including myself), are legislating what you can or cannot do with a women’s vagina. 

The Cultural War in America, to paraphrase cokehead Freud, starts and ends with a woman’s right to choose control over various aspects of her anatomy, and is simply a matter of geography these days.

Don’t know what is in the fracked drinking water in these states but it is more than likely the GOP/Church Party and its race to the past, is somehow mixing metaphors, mixing morality with science, mixing old fashioned common sense with online video games (Grand Theft Women’s Rights)  – whatever – I don’t know.

In any case, some of this legislation to Frack women’s rights with a combination of Geo. Bush (I&II) along with methamphetamine lab residue and a need for a cheap natural Viagra like product - puts some of these new and proposed anti-vagina legislative  laws in a league of their own, out there in the Dinosaur Belt from Alabama to Idaho.

Some of this old time religion mixed with Doctor Frankenstein science scares the shit out of me.  Perhaps I am overly sensitive or just merely human. 

10 States With the Most Shocking Anti-Woman Legislation

Alabama, considered by NARAL to be at the bottom of the list in reproductive rights, has decided that worst isn’t bad enough. The legislature is considering a “personhood” law that would define fertilized eggs as persons. Laws like this not only threaten abortion rights, but could also be used to ban in-vitro fertilization, prevent non-sterilized women from holding certain jobs, be used to prosecute pregnant and potentially pregnant women for drinking and smoking, and be used to deny even life-saving medical care to women. (North Dakota's similar bill bars doctors from killing fertilized eggs, even during medically necessary care.) One of the most likely results of bills like this is that doctors will be forbidden from treating ectopic pregnancies with drugs, and will be forced to wait until a patient’s ovary explodes before administering treatment, putting the patient in danger of death. Anti-choice activists also hope to use misinformation campaigns that claim the birth control pill is “abortion” (actually, it works by suppressing ovulation) in order to use personhood bills to ban the pill.
For people who basically don’t believe, respect or even understand science, these dangerous little men in state legislatures nationwide in the Dinosaur Belt are enough to give sane people nightmares considering the scope and potential of these matters at hand  in the degrading directly the rights of women and indirectly degrading my rights to live in a free and democratic society. 

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