Saturday, July 17, 2010

New word usage – Androphilia

From an article by Andrew Brown in the Guardian UK is a new usage of a technical term to possible describe or use other than misogyny.

Androphilia or misogyny
I think myself there is something in it, and that you can distinguish between misogyny and androphilia even when both are found in the same man, or woman. For an example, I would give you CS Lewis, whose misogyny seems to wax and wane with the state of his love life: it more or less vanished once Joy Davidman found him; but his androphilia was a life-long condition.

Androphilia has some long standing meaning in psychology. Brown is using it to describe that the male dominated churches do not hate women so much as they love their own sex over the other. An original homosexual usage can now I suppose be used to describe what seems like anti-feminism by mainstream fundamentalist churches of the Christian persuasion.

It is an everyday thing to find new uses for older words in this modern global age.

It is hard sometimes to keep up with all the changes that occur everyday in language.

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