Friday, April 9, 2010

Time for an Intervention in the Church?

Rosanne Barr, a well known comedian, has chimed in on the abuse scandal in the RC Church. She sees a plot against Gays. And a Critical Silence about the numbers in abuse regarding girls.

The RC church’s dictionary definition of pedophiles identifies them as homosexual. It would not be the first time that the church uses scapegoats such as Gays or Jews to get over a rough spot in their mismanagement by the hierarchy.

Barr Wades Into Catholic Church Abuse Scandal
In a post on her official website, she writes, "The pedo (pedophile) priests are trying to cover up the number of Little Girls they have molested too, as if that doesn't matter as much as what happens to boys. Trust me, the number of girls raped and molested by priests is at least double the boys. They are trying to cover it all up so that they can end up purging gay priests, and laying the blame on them.

"The fact is pedos like to rape both boys and girls, and only a small number of pedos are exclusively into male children.

I am starting to think that any parent who takes their kids to Catholic churches from now on should lose custody.

Taking your kid where you know sex offenders hang out is inexcusable!!!"
Interesting point about the almost seeming silence of abuse about girls.

There is also a very interesting note of non-denial – yes I said non-denial - from a RC archbishop regarding the present crisis in the church.

The image of the Catholic Church
"We have betrayed the very Gospel we preach. The Good News we claim to announce sounds so hollow, so devoid of any meaning when matched with our much publicized negative moral behaviour. Many who looked up to priests as their model feel betrayed, ashamed and disappointed. They feel that some priests have "slipped away from the footprints of the Apostles." Trust has been compromised. The halo has been tilted, if not broken. What happens in Ireland or in Germany or America affects us all. It simply means that the misbehaviour of priests in Africa has not been exposed to the same glare of the media as in other parts of the world.

"We must therefore take responsibility for the hurt, the scandals, the pain and the suffering caused by ourselves who claim to be models of good behaviour. The image of the Catholic church is virtually in ruins because of the bad behaviour of its priests, wolves wearing sheep's skin, preying on unsuspecting victims, inflicting irreparable harm, and continuing to do so with impunity. We are slowly but surely bent on destroying the church of God by undermining and tearing apart the faith of lay believers. Ironically, priests have become a stumbling block to the promotion of vocations.

"Bad news spreads like wild fire. I wish I could say that there are only a few bad apples. But the outrage around us suggests that there are more than just a few bad apples."
I am quoting a big chunk of Guardian UK editor Andrew Brown’s article on this. I thought the quotation in whole was significant enough to print it in its entirety.

Somewhere between what Rosanne Barr believes and what Archbishop Buti Tlhagale of Johannesburg South Africa has to say and believe – and what you and I believe – I think there is a consensus and forum growing for an Intervention on behalf of the People of God toward the failed management of the RC church.
An intervention is an orchestrated attempt by one, or often many, people (usually family and friends) to get someone to seek professional help with an addiction or some kind of traumatic event or crisis, or other serious problem. Wikipedia
The church needs an Intervention on this matter. The Archbishop has started the process. Maybe it will work it way all the way up from the bottom of the world in South Africa.

The victims have had to deal with this management problem of denial. Denial every step of the way by management along the timeline has brought us to this massive crisis.

It is time for the front office management to own up to poor management past and try to change management style and depth of caring before the company goes under.


  1. Yes I agree it is time for a major intervention. I never thought of girls being molested. I wonder how many nuns molested girls? I don't want to even think about that.

  2. It is a statistic that is greatly overlooked regarding girls in the MSM. I think in the Ryan Report in Ireland the girls in orphanages and workhouses were mentioned.
