Sunday, April 11, 2010

Serial Predators vs. Pride of the Pope

I know that you may think I am harping on the Vatican Sex Abuse Scandal too much. I have come to put some things in perspective. I started down this road with articles being sent to me by a person who is a part time lay minister in prisons.

That person, though he never said it directly, probably would realize or hear that a lot of people in prison were abused as children – physically, mentally, sexually. That they were not all abused by the clergy but in civil lay institutions, family care, foster care. That the end result of abuse is in many cases a wasted life of God’s creation on this earth. That to minister to those with the message of hope and the words of hope in Jesus’ teachings is the little bit one can do and work with in ministering to those in prison. Jesus rocks.

All our lives are full of regrets and dead ends. But most of us have had a better break in life because we were not directly abused in our growing up to adulthood. Enough said.

Here is a comment from a victim, "Anne" (she has a name Joe), of the California “serial predator” Stephen Miller Kiesle of California. The victim is a woman – was a girl when abused. I suppose Bill Donohue at the Catholic League might question if she was raped by pulling out his handy Holy Guide to Rape with its point system and measurements of penetration to decide what really, really is rape.

Perhaps that little girl only got slapped around and fondled a few times which would not be a Catholic rape etc. (sorry for my bitterness regarding the inhumanity of the Catholic League and its campaign to erase this clergy sex abuse scandal in the RCC). Right now Bill Donahue’s Neanderthal logic and voice seems to be the only voice of the RCC in America.

It is too bad that the MSM has been gender neutral about the victims of these priests in the RCC. It took a loud mouth comedian like Roseanne Barr to point out the true nature and numbers of both boys and girls victimized in cooperation with the hack bureaucrat hierarchy of the church.

Which leads me to comment on how many American Catholic organizations are dumbfounded by the sheer lack of depth in the Vatican in addressing the church’s fucked up way of hiding crimes against humanity (children).

Lack of Vatican communications strategy on scandal baffles pope's U.S. defenders
Most American organizations facing such a barrage of negative news would long ago have pulled together a crisis management team and made top officials available for interviews to explain their point of view. But the Vatican said such an approach is too commercial for the Church to adopt. "We are not a multinational enterprise, this is clear," the Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, said in a telephone interview. "The normal situation of the Church and the Vatican is to help the people to understand the teachings of the Church and the documents of the pope and not to sell particular products."
Joe the Pope – Fire that asshole Rev. Federico Lombardi. Get your head out of your own ass and admit you made a mistake and start over. Fire dozens of crony bishops who facilitated these crimes to persist and fester.

If not – Joe the Pope – this whole thing reeks of Nixon and Watergate. It was not that Nixon did a great criminal thing, it was minor. It was the coverup that was major and brought down the most powerful political figure on the planet. Nixon’s sin was Pride.

Your sin too is Pride. I do not wish to see this scandal go on and on like Watergate. But if your pride is more important than the good of the People of God – the Church – then I hope there is air conditioning in hell and perhaps your roommate will be Dick Nixon.

You can both spend eternity lying to each other about how great you were in life and how what a rotten deal they dumped on you. Have a nice life.


  1. If we can see it so clearly..why can't the entire world see it? The Muslim world has every right to scoff at Christianity in light of the RCC abuses of power. Is ignorance some sort of bliss? Not to the victims it isn't! How loud does the outcry have to be? Would Joes resignation have an impact?

  2. We are beyond the resignation of a hapless old man on this. A certain portion of the hierarchy has to step up to the plate, show some common sense and humanity fast.

    Major thought, dialogue on celibacy, females as priests and the absolute rights of the Laity have to adressed and reconciled to its members.

    This, while embracing a greater Christianity and non-Christian world, that has been waiting since the sixteenth century for the RCC to reach some maturity and mental grasp regarding Christ's message to the ages.

  3. Can the walls of Jericho really be brought low with trumpet blasts and human energy? I feel we are on the edge of a major event in human history and the pope's palace is ground zero. Is upon us? We can certainly hope so.

  4. Yes. We can hope that five centuries of schism can end.

  5. Mike again you've enlightened us. Kudos!
