Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Benedict XVI and Second-Hander Clergy

I am a visionary of sorts. I have a passion for looking at many different things. I look for the ways to rearrange the pieces of the puzzle of life into a better fit and or the perfect fit.

In terms of the present moral meltdown and officially sanctioned cover-up of rape and torture of children in the past decades, it is time to stop and realize that an institution that claims to be founded by God – that God has apparently been absent for long periods of time since the beginning of this particular church.

That the chaos of wars in Europe from Napoleon to Hitler in World Wars and tens of millions of deaths start with the collapse of the corrupt French monarchy around 1789 and propped up by the corrupt Roman Catholic Church. The Church of Bling, not the church of God, saw fit to bless and sanction cake and pastries on the fat King’s plate while the peasants starved outside the palace gates.

I love the French. Their arrogance and their anti-clerical atheistic attitude is a breath of fresh air after living a life in America with the holier than thou Cardinal Spellmans and Cardinal Codys and their boyfriends and mistresses. And all under the cover of celibacy which is of course not the problem in this global sex abuse scandal in America and Europe as stated by paid church apologists.

I am sorry that we have not heard from Latin America, Africa and Asia where there is little free press, unseen and unheard at present, from those other tens of thousands of victims screaming to heaven for justice.

And then there is the whole of the last forty years of Born Again Bling by Swaggard, Jim and Tammy, Richard Roberts, Pat Robertson, Falwell and dozens of other absolute worshippers of the Pope Bling CEO style mismanagement and misperception of the needs of humanity. Management first, people last and children don’t count. That is not Jesus!

The smug German pope sat on his throne on Sunday, Easter Sunday, and listened to an equally smug Cardinal Sodano state that the faithful are not affected by petty gossip.

Where is the petty gossip? We are talking conspiracy, crimes against humanity, not petty gossip you asshole in a red silk gown that costs enough to feed a village in Africa for months. Where is your perspective and your humanity?

If I address humanity and with an empathy for humanity then I must be a humanist and that is a dirty word in the Roman church. Traditions counts first and foremost. People can apparently go ---- themselves.

A so-called institution of God goes ape shit crazy and corrupt and then the human race has to clean up the mess. The rise of Napoleon after the fall of the corrupt church/monarchy shaped European history in the nineteenth century. The corrupt Russian church/monarchy and its ensuing revolution dictated the course of 20th century politics and brinksmanship. And then there is Mexico in the twenties etc. and on and on.

This is not an institution of God but of corrupt men. Let’s have a going out of business sale once and for all. Let’s just put the Vatican and its contents up for sale at Christie s. That is the best humanist thing to do for humanity.

Let’s stop giving a bunch of third rate “second handers”* another chance to hurt and cause so much pain in body, mind and spirit in the future.

As a visionary I connect the dots and I now quote from a comment on Ayn Rand’s concept of the mediocrity - presently in the Vatican and American Business as well. She seems to have perfectly fitted and predicted this present situation and business management cancer in the Roman Catholic Clergy.

* Second-Handers
Isn’t that the root of every despicable action? Not selfishness, but precisely the absence of a self. Look at them. The man who cheats and lies, but preserves a respectable front. He knows himself to be dishonest, but others think he’s honest and he derives his self-respect from that, second-hand. The man who takes credit for an achievement which is not his own. He knows himself to be mediocre, but he’s great in the eyes of others. The frustrated wretch who professes love for the inferior and clings to those less endowed, in order to establish his own superiority by comparison . . . . They’re second-handers . . . .

They have no concern for facts, ideas, work. They’re concerned only with people. They don’t ask: “Is this true?” They ask: “Is this what others think is true?” Not to judge, but to repeat. Not to do, but to give the impression of doing. Not creation, but show. Not ability, but friendship. Not merit, but pull. What would happen to the world without those who do, think, work, produce? Those are the egoists. You don’t think through another’s brain and you don’t work through another’s hands.

When you suspend your faculty of independent judgment, you suspend consciousness. To stop consciousness is to stop life. Second-handers have no sense of reality. Their reality is not within them, but somewhere in that space which divides one human body from another. Not an entity, but a relation—anchored to nothing. That’s the emptiness I couldn’t understand in people.

That’s what stopped me whenever I faced a committee. Men without an ego. Opinion without a rational process. Motion without brakes or motor. Power without responsibility. The second-hander acts, but the source of his actions is scattered in every other living person. It’s everywhere and nowhere and you can’t reason with him. He’s not open to reason.


  1. What an amazing post. Your genius and creativity is the best. You are such a master wordsmith. I wish you could print your posts as a collection in book form.

  2. As always Debra, thanks for the thought.
