Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blackwater's New Occult Corporate Symbol - Xe

On the heels of the recent lobotomy of justice throwing out the Blackwater/Xe Nisour Square Massacre case, I have trouble focusing on the Mercenary no-bid contract outsourced CIA soldiers of fortune thing.

I know this black ops, navy seal military cult is a religion in itself and people like the neocons drink the blood at the altar, figuratively speaking, of this cult thing in American militarism.

I can see why Constantine insisted that the new secular Christian cult conform to a parallel world of the Army Cult god of Mithra. Belief in and or having your religious beliefs rigidly conformed to is part of the energy necessary to plow ahead in battle through blood and body parts and still appear to remain sane when back in the world of the living in everyday life. It was no different then as it is now.

The Massacre case was thrown out because of incompetent Bush era Justice Department holdovers who probably knew that the sloppy way of handling evidence and affidavits of witnesses would compromise any jury decision if it ever got that far. It is good to have your Mithra friends in the Justice Department or in the Pentagon itself when being an outsourced killing machine of the Pentagon or CIA.

Putting my personal prejudices aside about Blackwater and murder done worldwide with our tax dollars, I still can’t focus on the Corporate symbol that I find difficult to pronounce Xe (pronounced zi). Of course a corporate image change is necessary after the Nisour Square Massacre with 17 Iraqi civilians dead and 20 other injured in a drive by shoot out with the natives in their nasty civilian mode in their damned native Baghdad. Oh well.

Since what interests me is the exoterics or the hidden meaning sometimes of things, I have to address my own impressions of what I consider the occult symbol of the new Blackwater or Xe Services.

The founder of Blackwater is someone named Erik Prince, a child of wealth, an ex-navy seal, former intern in the Bush 41 White House and convert to the very cultish traditionalist Latin mass Roman Catholicism.

I also use the word occult to describe the hidden meaning of things. The word itself has come to mean something sinister. Indeed decades ago, before the modern chains of bookstores, the label of Occult would be in tiny independent bookstores and the assortment of books under that description would be have to do with astrology, tarot, numerology and magic. These days those topics have their own aisles in book store chains.

Erik Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe.”

Which kind of lends my thinking to Knights Templar and all that recent esoteric stuff with DaVinci Code and Illuminati and Masonic conspiracy theories and such.

Since there are a few approaches to interpreting the Xe corporate symbol I will give them all to you and you can judge if I am near the money in my opinion and or analysis.

Xe is the letter “X” with an “e” imbedded in it.

An X is also a form of the cross. St. Andrew’s cross is such a form of X. St. Andrews Cross is the symbol of Scotland where the legendary Knights Templar were supposed to have evolved, after going underground, into the Masons of modern day recognition.

Perhaps Mr. Prince is of Scottish ancestry. I cannot establish that fact on any biographical material available to me.

Saint Andrew’s cross is of course a Christian symbol in that St. Andrew requested to be crucified on an “X” shaped cross because he, like St. Peter felt unworthy in die in exact fashion like Jesus. Like your executioners are going to listen to a prisoner’s silly request and do extra work on the execution device? Whatever.

I think the X in Xe is a symbol of a cross.

Xe is the chemical symbol Xenon, atomic number 54. In numerology 54 breaks down into 5 + 4 = 9. Jesus died on the ninth hour as any really good Christian would be able to tell you.

If you look at the Xe symbol above, the two elements of the cross are different. One part is straight and rigid. The other part is fluid or wavy. This other part could be a sword blade without a guard or handle.

The “e” in the base of the rigid part of the Blackwater Crusader’s cross perhaps stands for Erik.

Erik – “e”- standing at the foot of a modern day Crusader Cross? How very Mel Gibson-ish, more catholic than the pope-ish.

Of course, Mr. Prince is supposed to be severing all ties with his former businesses and holy bloodshed. He perhaps continues to serve under the motto of Constantine with his grafted together Mithra/Jesus, military/secular god - a motto often associated with crusades and crusaders – “In Hoc Signo Vinces” – “With this sign you shall conquer”.

One can only hope that in an ever diminishing world with the merging of cultures and religions into the future global culture, that sophomoric symbols of toy soldiers made into holy war is near the end of such things, or the old white christian order of things. That the Roman/British/America Empire model is perhaps part of the dying old world order.

In place of that old world order is the evolving global multi-racial, multi-cultural new world order of things.


  1. Your conspiricy thoeries are
    utter nonsense. Get a life.

  2. Thank you for sharing your research, it sheds some light on these genocidal maniacs. God Bless You.
