Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stupak-Pitts anti-female Amendment and the Need for The Equal Rights Amendment

The House health care reform bill got narrowly passed on Saturday with one minor amendment that with all the legal jargon and loopholes would effectively ban all abortion in any health care plan nationwide that receives government subsidies.

Think of all the money Insurance Companies will save abolishing this one medical procedure used only by women. While I do not see this as passing in any final Senate House Bill, I am reminded by the indecency of this amendment of another amendment, the sleeping Equal Rights Amendment and it only needing three more states to ratify it.

It is time to stop all this medieval anti-female religious and political discrimination in this country!

It is time for equal rights in health care!

It is time to turn the table on these sniveling conspiring bunch of brain dead anti-female fundamentalists!
Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.
There are various things happening with that equal rights amendment. It is not dead. It only needs a bunch of angry women and gays to push for its gender neutral language to guarantee anything having to do with SEX. I think that in today’s realistic worldview that includes sexual orientation and Gay marriage along with physical gender.

Equal Rights Amendment
An article by three law students, published in the William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law in 1997 explained a legal rationale for the "three-state strategy." It argued that:

1. The 35 ratifications from state legislatures during the 1970s remain valid;

2. Rescissions of prior ratifications are not constitutional;

3. The 1978 extension of the ERA's deadline demonstrates that Congress can amend previously established deadlines; and

4. The Twenty seventh Amendment's more than 202 year ratification period set a standard of "sufficiently contemporaneous"—a term used during the U.S. Supreme Court's 1921 ruling in Dillon v. Gloss—giving Congress the power to set time limits on constitutional amendments. Dillon v. Gloss was later modified by Coleman v. Miller, which is also a basis for the three state strategy.

The article further reasoned that because Article V of the Constitution gives the Congress the power to propose amendments to the Constitution—and including changing aspects of the ratification process itself— that if and when three additional states ratify the ERA, the Congress has the power to deem the ERA properly ratified and duly added to the Constitution.


  1. How about equal rights for the female fetus, who's blood is daily spilled in her mother's womb as her limbs are torn asunder. She is not XY, but XX, and her DNA is not that of her mother. The DNA in those red blood cells are uniquely her own, she is her own being. How about equal rights for her under the law? No amount of obfuscation can deny that she biologically human, and biologically female, even in so fragile a state. Her DNA can not lie.

    Equal rights under the law for unborn women, equal rights for the unborn, female and male alike!
    Equal rights under the law!

  2. For the anti-women's lifers who drag out their war-torn bloody-fetus, moralist crap - get a life and get out of mine! I don't need another adult trying to play God with me. By the way, I don't believe in yours and yes there is religious freedom in a democracy. Keep to yourself and my choices won't affect you, Peter. Oh and why don't you go work on another issue like ending the killing of men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan where your opinion might be welcomed and serve a purpose.

  3. Yes, we need to defeat the Stupak Amendment and yes, we need 3 more states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, but they are 2 separate causes. The ERA only guarantees equal treatment under the law for women and men and won't affect abortion, which is already legal.
