Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tri-state Chaos and Transition – RCC - FYI

This is a sort of news dump of recent RC happenings, some things related to things already written about in this blog. Not much commentary on my part. What can I say besides what the articles already say.

I display them here in case you missed them and you have an interest to read further.

Saint Mary’s in Malaga New Jersey fighting to stay alive and open

Saint Mary’s in Malaga New Jersey fighting to stay alive and open despite Bishop Galante’s efficient spreadsheet list of closures – part of the result of – Mao sounding – “Gathering God's Gifts” Program.

Diocese of Wilmington Delaware files for Bankruptcy

Diocese of Wilmington Delaware files for Bankruptcy - hours before first abuse trial to go to court.

Bankruptcy as a ploy buying time for the little Diocese of Wilmington Delaware? Setting a monetary cap on future amounts to settle with priest abuse victims to be set by bankruptcy court? Short term last minute plan implemented or was it already designed by former Chancellor now Bishop Barres of Allentown? (What$ up in Allentown???)

Saint Mary’s Malaga website commenting on Wilmington Diocese

Saint Mary’s Malaga website commenting on Wilmington Diocese Bankruptcy and the denied rights of the faithful – by the decades long mismanagement of bishops in favor of perverts.

Renegade American Episcopalian Bishop and parish near Philly ready to jump ship to RC church.

Just the high quality troops Joe the Pope needs in his anti-woman, anti-gay retreat from the modern world and his Return to Medievalism.

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