Saturday, October 17, 2009

Michelle Malkin - a "Red" Racist?

This is a connect the dot hysterical hissy fit for what passes for journalism, at least on cable these days, and on the MSM – so called main stream media.

I think I saw the recent Keith Olbermann tirade on Michelle Malkin, a blogger on the right, who somehow was following through on a FOX “news” story about the indoctrination of children in an elementary public school in Jersey. The You Tube segment below is an example of how our children are being Mao-ed or Goebbel-ized in Obama’s secret plan to steal the U.S. Government knowing that at any minute some lunatic Russian ex-patriot will finally find his real-real-real birth certificate in a pumpkin patch in Gorky Park in Moscow. Oh how I love a mystery!!!

The Skinny. Olbermann tiraded into Malkin for starting an e-mail campaign against author Charisse Carney-Nunes, who supposedly shared a class with Obama at Harvard and wrote a children’s book “I Am Barack Obama”, for supposedly organizing the children’s treason below - singing The Obama Song. That e-mail campaign supposedly caused death threats to that author. I won’t tell you that I once shared a class with Obama up at Columbia and I won’t tell you that the class was on “Marxist Theory”. Because it it not true. That’s how bullshit journalism, blogging, hate, fear mongering infects the tree of life these days in America – critical days. Journalism is no longer a signpost to truth but a signpost to hell these days IMHO.

This is a donnybrook or more accurately a feeding frenzy of the MSM creating one phony story after another starting with Fox on September 24. To add insult to injury so to speak, a lefty, Megan Carpentier of Air America, a lefty site attacked Keith as being a woman hater in his imitation of Maulkin’s speaking voice and his description of her with lipstick. Carpentier perhaps sees an opportunity to write a whole bunch of follow up blogs (see what I mean about feeding frenzy) about battered women and men like Keith who…

My trek through this wilderness started this afternoon. First with Page Six on the New York Post quoting Carpentier on Olbermann as proof of Olbermann’s misogyny. Busted! I only went to the Post to see if they might have finally hired a first rate astrologer finally after all these years after the death of the late great Patric Walker.

Well anyway. From Page Six I had to piece this story together for my own satisfaction and see what the real thing was all about. I guess I have already told you what I think indirectly from what I wrote above.

I went searching for the exact lyrics of this so called Obama Song and found that there are literally dozens of different ones out there on the Net.

Which took me for the first time to the infamous Michelle Malkin blogsite –yee gads.

The story below is about Social Security but what shocked or sickened me was the symbol used of a red man with a handgun robbing the rich blue man (above). The article is about an Obama proposal.

Wealth redistributor-in-chief

I know that the underlying message of “Socialism” is supposed to say it all. Perhaps I have been become a lunatic too and caught the Glenn Beck disease and see things in symbols that I should not see. Crazy! Using the color/symbol/word "red" as coded overt to mask the true racist message?

For one thing, with my previous blog about Red as the New Black in mind, I see a symbolic representation of a stereotypic black male with a hand gun robbing a (?) blue (white?) man. I think that the red man if he were a true communist would be carrying a AK47 and not a cheap inner city handgun to rob the current oligarchs/robber barons now in charge etc.

It is near my bed time. Good night. Pleasant dreams. Avoid all symbols if possible.

Love. Peace. Karmic Bliss!


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