Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lest We Forget - May 35th 1989

It is late in the day. I did not get onto this daily changing planetary, global jargon until now.

Apparently today's date that this is posted in, my time, is not allowed to be mentioned in a certain country - Charade clue - You have this in your dining room ----- closet.

Well anyway, Geroge Orwell would be impressed if he were still alive. Until today, I would thought that this new minus-speak in the people's republic of ----- would have been obsolete - but I am wrong.

Netizens, among others, have shut down sites in ----- for the day in fear of offending some moron bureaucrats. These sites I read are putting up an out of service for maintenance sign.

Negative talk or minus-speak is no doubt censorship but we all remember Liberty in Tiananmen Square in Peking twenty years ago today. Human beings against tanks represent ideas and ideas are stronger than armies or tanks.

Hungary in 1956, Checkoslovakia in 1968, ----- in 1989.

History writes the final chapter in many struggles for human freedom. So too here we wish for a better world and a better country for all everywhere.

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