Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vatican Official Slams American Governor

Former American Inquisitor and now Vatican Head of the Supreme court Archbishop Raymond Burke has done his best with a written condemnation of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sibelius, a Catholic.

Governor Sebelius’ Pro-Choice political view is unacceptable to the Roman Catholic Church. She is the current nominee for the Obama Cabinet appointment as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Governor Sibelius has been told she should not receive communion for her incorrect moral views by the Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City.

Sebelius nomination ‘source of greatest embarrassment,’ Archbishop Burke says

"Her position on the question of procured abortion is the source of the greatest scandal to Catholics and to all who uphold the natural moral law," he continued.

Additionally, Archbishop Burke said, the governor "obstinately remained in her moral error" despite being admonished by at least three of her bishops, including Archbishop of Kansas City Joseph Naumann.

He added that Archbishop Naumann had proceeded "in perfect accord" with canon law by trying to help Gov. Sebelius recognize and correct her "grave error."

"When she refused to do so, he had no choice but to remind her that the Church’s discipline requires that persons who publicly and obstinately remain in serious sin must be denied Holy Communion," he added.

Though Burke and Naumann are alumnus of the St Louis Archdiocese Bishop’s Club, they did not serve during each other’s watch in that city. It makes you think or wonder what sort of heavy metals might be in the drinking water there.

Burke is an official of a foreign government, the Vatican. If some politburo member of the China or Prime Minister of Russia were criticizing our elected officials, the press and the GOP would be screaming up the yazoo about this.

Foreign governments and International Corporations get a free pass in this country’s press.

This Cultural Christian sees this one as typical sexist discrimination of the RC church with the bully boys ganging up on the girl in the school play ground so to speak. Brave boys!

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