Friday, February 27, 2009

Witchcraft & Buggery @ Yale & Vatican ?

There is a lawsuit put out from the descendants of the Native American Warrior Geronimo regarding his bones on display in some frat house at Yale. If you saw the movie “The Good Shepard” you would have seen an initiation scene whereby a future head of the CIA was pissing over the balcony onto the pledges below. This particular frat house drinking club is famous for having had so many presidents, supreme court judges, senators, and captains of industry as lifetime members.

Geronimo’s Heirs Sue Secret Yale Society Over His Skull

Getting back to Geronimo and desecration of his grave in Oklahoma by the U.S.Army and his remains getting dumped in a basement at Yale - is it an Urban Legend?

The late Tony Hillerman, in his books set in and around the Navaho Reservation in Arizona, wrote about one of his books called “Talking God” in which he stated that "I wanted Americans to stop thinking of Navajos as primitive persons, to understand that they are sophisticated and complicated."

Of course Geronimo was Apache but the same standards I think apply when in that novel in the author's words “The first chapter was no problem at all. I have an urban wannabe Navaho send a Smithsonian official a box of her ancestor’s bones, dug up from an ancient Episcopal graveyard, for her to display with bones of his ancestors.”

Respect for other cultures, other religions begins with your own. All beliefs are local.

Perhaps the present curse on the U.S. economy is the result of a frat house prank at Yale a hundred years ago - that is if you are superstitious or prone to urban legends.

I hope Yale finally does do some overdue spring cleaning and officially or unofficially returns the bones of Geronimo to a treasured sacred and blessed Apache resting site.

This whole incident reminds me of a short visit I had to a hospital in NYC that had been founded by the legendary Saint Mother Cabrini. She and her order had founded dozens of schools, orphanages and hospitals to help the needs of immigrants around the turn of the last century. Unfortunately, that hospital is now out of business.

I wanted to visit Mother Cabrini’s shrine in Manhattan out of curiosity and respect for such a powerful Christian personality who had stood in our midst so close to us in time. I did some research and then I discovered that her body in a glass case is not a whole body. Apparently they removed her skull to the Vatican. Why? I don’t have a clue. It is one thing to chop some saint’s finger bone into 10,000 pieces of dust and display them as relics for adoration and or respect. But a whole skull? It conjures up the worst in my seeing or envisioning evil uses for the bones of a true saint.

This drinking out of Geronimo’s skull at beer bashes and God knows what they need Mother Cabrini’s skull for - it is all Medieval - and for lack of perhaps better words, stinks and or smells of witchcraft and buggery!

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