Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Message Must Be Clear


Do no attempt to fill in the gaps in the message. 

The message must be clear. 

Trump's Big Lie


Trump's big lie is a house built on sand...

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Kevin McCarthy Names Members of Benedict Arnold Brigade on House Select Investigation of Jan 6 Trump Coup Attempt

 Members of the Benedict Arnold Brigade to investigate January 6 Trump Coup Attempt.

Rep. Jim Banks (Ind.) as the ranking member, as well as Reps. Jim Jordan (Ohio), Rodney Davis (Ill.), Kelly Armstrong (N.D.) and Troy Nehls (Texas)

Jim Banks 3rd Ind. Entitled Prick. Took leave of absence from Indiana Senate while going to Iraq in the Navy, supply officer, while wifey held onto his job until his return - all legal under Indiana law.

Jim Jordan - 4th Ohio - Card carrying member of the Donald Mushroom Sucking Club, Mar a Lago. Was assistant coach at Ohio State's wrestling program during period of alleged sexual abuse by the team's doctor. Jordan -"I saw nothing. I know nothing. Nothing."

Rodney Davis - 13th Illinois - Friend of Gerry Mander.

Kelly Armstrong - Sole Representative of North Dakota's sparsely populated state. A state btw w/2 U.S. Senators.

Troy Nehls - 22nd Texas - Deputy Dog. Thug. Fired once as a cop in Texas for destroying evidence.

Friday, July 16, 2021

JFK Jr. - A Life Worth Forgetting

 I am annoyed. 

This date is history is listed as the day the inbred Irish Mick John F Kennedy Jr. managed to crash his plane in the ocean something like 22 years ago. 

The rich and the media that tell us what the news is - think that rich ppl are the only ones worth mentioning I sometimes think. Fame is for 15 minutes but shelf life is forever?

His dad was marginal in the brains department but his dad was smart enough not to try and learn to fly airplanes. Duh! etc. Just saying.

Billionaires in Space and Child Tax Credit $300/250 a Burden on the Budget

Mean spirited Cuban immigrant types like Marco Rubio, son of moocher takers who came over before Castro, does not understand that the gubmint can give money away to families for kids and there is no work requirement, like pulling cotton in the fields, for corporate Massas.

Moron Trump Family Still In Residence at Trump Tower NYC

The former first ho had her son, Barron, 6'7" carrying one of her $4,000 purses as they exited Trump Tower the other day. Momma's boy on human growth hormones, a potential organ donor to The Donald when it is time to harvest the clone?

They say the morons are sitting around the TV on election night. Trump is ahead in Pennsylvania on the TV stats/ charts. They polls in Pa. close and they still keep counting votes, putting Trump behind Biden. And Eric says that the election was stolen on the perception of thinking that you stop counting votes when polls close or you are a head? Special inbreeding needed for that I think?

Ancient Rome did not rise but rather fell on the quality of brains of this rich white trash family of low I.Q.. 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

If there is any true beauty in this world, I doubt that it is man-made.


If there is any true beauty in this world, I doubt that it is man-made.

Bing Cover 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Critical Race Theory For Dummies


Critical Race Theory has to do with buildings like the Capitol and or White House being built with slave labor. That stealing labor from African immigrants in chains for 250 years and then 150 of unequal citizenship is some sort of multi-generational lie that must be carefully practiced and maintained at all costs, even at expense of personal morals and sanity.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Happy National Juneteenth 2021 - "Labor" - The Hall of Negro Life - Mural by African American Artist Aaron Douglas (1899-1979)

"Labor" - The Hall of Negro Life - Mural by African American Artist Aaron Douglas (1899-1979)

Negro participation in the Texas centennial exposition,
by Jesse O. Thomas, 1938.

"Labor" is the holder of the key to a true under standing of the Negro in a new world. Music, Art and Religion are all a part of the contribution. The agricultural workers on the left and the industrialists on the right bring their gifts to “ Labor ". The woman in the center of the composition with the babe in outstretched arms, symbolizes a plea for equal recognition. Heretofore, in all submerged social elements, the Negro woman has occupied the lowest position. Here, she is given a place of honor. The child is a sort of banner, a pledge of Negro determination to carry on and share the burden of humanity in its struggle toward truth and light .

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

FL school kids use forced daily moment of silence 2 visualize oust of Gov DeSantis.

 FL school kids use forced daily moment of silence

2 visualize oust of
Gov DeSantis.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Day 2021 USA - Sgt. Maj. Patrick McShea 1840-1900 - 28th Pennsylvania


Newspaper Clipping Photo circa 1898
of Civil War Vet Patrick McShea
in portrait painted later in life.


How Pat McShea of the 28th Pennsyl-
vania Volenteer's Captured a Rebel
(Special to Sunday Leader)
The Sun Leader Wilkes Barre - 25 Dec 1886

Hazleon, Dec. 25, - Pat McShea of Honey Brook, was in town on Tuesday, and purchased a valuable house of John Kneis. Pat is a member of Lazarus Post G. A. R. of Audenried and during the rebellion made an excelent record as a soldier. His capture of a rebel flag at the battle of Antietam, was as daring an undertaking as the anals of the late war chronicle. His old comrades of Robinson and Lazarus Posts take unbounded pleasure in reciting Pat's notable feat which came near costing him his life. He was a member of Co. II. 28th Pennsylvania infantry and left Jeansville where he resided when the rebellion broke out. At the battle of Antietam the brigade his regiment belonged to, succeeded in defeating the rebels after a desperate contest. Among the number uninjured on the enemy's side was a retreating color bearer who sought refuge in a corn field. He was hotly pursued by Pat, overtaken and a desperate struggle began. The fight was watched with interest by the Union forces who were unable to distinguish that it was a Unionist and a Rebel who were engaged in conflict owing to the folds of the flag shielding them from view. Wm. James, of this borough, who is at present superintendent of A. Pardee & Co.'s store and an uncle of ex-Clerk of the Courts James, was an eye witness of the affray. He concluded he would test his skill as a shot and discharged the contents of his gun in the direction of what was believed to be two confederates fighting. One of the party was seen to fall to the ground, immediately following the discharge of the gun, and the other grasped the rebel flag, carried it high in the air and ran towards the Union line. A volley of musketry met him as he approached and he also received a farewell in the same manner from the rebel forces in his rear. The soldier carrying the flag was recognized as McShea and his comrades ceased firing and gave him a hearty reception for the meritorious act performed. It was a miracle he was not killed. The officer censured him for what they deemed a foolish risk of life. Pat was never promoted (for that act or awarded a congressional medal, even though recommeded for one, btw). Governor Geary, during his administration offered the gallant soldier a position at Harrisburg, but he refused it, preferring to follow the laborious and dangerous occupation of a miner.


Friday, May 28, 2021

A.W.O.L. Coward Republicans on the January 6 Commission Vote -Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

 Nine Republicans skipped vote:

⁃Blackburn ⁃Blunt ⁃Braun ⁃Burr ⁃Inhofe ⁃Rounds ⁃Risch ⁃Shelby ⁃Toomey

Friday, May 21, 2021

Martin Bashir got the shaft at MSNBC replying to one of Sarah Palin's soccer mom's thoughtless views of slavery

Bashir got the shaft at MSNBC replying to one of Sarah Palin's soccer mom's thoughtless views of slavery. He went overboard but he got the shaft because colored people's apologies don't carry da weight of udder ppl.

Rehabilitation of Cad Prince Charles - Blame it all on dark person - Martin Bashir


Just in time for Diana's 60th. Wills and Harry chime in. Oh Dad wasn't so bad for being a bastard Adulterer. It was that putty-tat reporter who got Diana to vent when she wanted and needed to vent.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

AZ GOP - Crazee!


AZ GOP - I remember when "bamboo" was what you wrapped around weed to smoke it.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

PEPSI edge in Voting - now official drink of Georgia State House - 4 the "right" ppl (wink,nod)


PEPSI edge in Voting - now official drink of Georgia State House - 4 the "right" ppl (wink,nod)

Friday, April 2, 2021

BTW, Qanon stands by their man Matt Gaetz. Only Democratic perversion counts.


BTW, Qanon stands by their man Matt Gaetz. Only Democratic perversion counts.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Kempy" - a People Eating Elephant- GQP Red State Georgia Mascot


"Kempy" - a People Eating Elephant- GQP Red State Georgia Mascot Loses Cool Whenever that Sort Actually Tries to Vote Massa-Class Members of the Party out of their "Natural" Birthright to Office.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Storm Troopers Arrest Jesus as he hands out bottled water to voters in line.


Storm Troopers Arrest Jesus as he hands out bottled water to voters in line. 


Mandatory long term sentencing in a for profit prison to all troublemakers like this Jesus fellow? 


Gov. Brian Kemp Georgia just signed new Nuremburg type voting suppression law.


Gov. Brian Kemp of the state of Georgia just signed new Nuremburg type voting suppression law.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Racism a la Francaise


"I could not breathe" staying at Buckingham Palace per Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

19th century working model for water in Texas?

19th century working model for water in Texas? (I am thinking of every neighborhood having a gas works in the19th century in order to get gaslight in your home at night.) I worked with a loan processor in Arizona in the mid nineties who had worked as a loan processor in Texas for a few years previously and she described the nightmare of paperwork attached to most mortgages that described the local Jim Crow method of attaching a water treatment plant and storage tank for every separate but not equal housing development built in the lone star state. The idea was that the rich developments had good water, cleaning and storage while the middle class ones got mediocre at best water treatment and storage. That there was no real state agency to test every one of these hundreds of "water authorities" dotting the de facto third world state of Texas. Just remembered looking at the news now, that thinking how hundreds of thousands in Texas still suck in that sh*thole country without a decent drop of water to drink still since the winter storm "Enron designed" electric grid failed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The old Bush Era - Enron Designed Texas Electricity Grid fails


The old Bush Era - Enron Designed Texas Electricity Grid fails and ppl suffer. Can't sell any energy to the other lower 47 states for a premium today (or receive it). Sad. Kenny Lay died mysteriously between conviction and sentencing for his Ponzi Energy scam. All the paperwork of that trial and conviction lost in the afternoon of 911 with the collapse of 7 WTC. Qanon and their "Conspiracies" actually follow real conspiracies from time to time. lol

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Fat Assed White Washington County Pennsylvania Republican Committer Censures Senator Pat Toomey on Impeachment Vote

Dave Ball, Vice Chairman, Washington County PA Republican Committee - on censuring Sen. Toomey for voting for impeachment of Trump = "We did not send Toomey to Washington to vote his conscience or do the right thing."

Monday, February 15, 2021

Happy President's Day USA 2021

 "I will not negotiate with that slave woman owned by my wife."  ~~ President George Washington, on the escape of Oney Judge, one slave seamstress, who escaped from the dungeon sleeping quarters for slaves in the back of the ground floor of the Philadelphia White House, a converted smokehouse behind the laundry and part of the stables, escaped in May 1796 to New Hampshire and agreed to return if Washington freed her slave children already in his possession. This he refused. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

John "Q." Galt Wink. Nod. (trailer park pulp fiction - LOL)


John "Q." Galt
Wink. Nod.
(trailer park pulp fiction - LOL)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A. J. Reach Co. - Base Ball Maker - 1219/1225 Beach Street - The Pennsylvania Review 1886



A. J. Reach Co., Manufacturers, Importers. and Dealers in Base-ball Supplies, Lawn-tennis, Cricket, Gymnasium, and General Sporting Goods, No. 23 South Eighth Street; Factory, No. 1219 to 1225 Beach Street.—Philadelphia has long been noted for its extensive trade in general sporting-goods, and the command of large capital, coupled with the well-known energy and enterprise of the representative firms engaged in this business, has permanently retained its supremacy in this country. Prominent among the largest houses in the United States which give tone and character to this industry is that of the A. J. Reach Company, whose spacious and commodious salesrooms are located at No. 23 South Eighth Street. This business was established in1865 under the style and title of A. J. Beach & Co., and was conducted till February, 1885. under that firm-name, when it was organized into a limited company, viz., the A. J. Reach Co. The officers are: president, A. J. Reach; treasurer. B. F. Shibe, The factory is situated at No. 1219 to 1225 Beach Street, and is equipped with all the latest improved machinery and appliances necessary for the manufacture of various kinds of sporting goods, employment being given to a strong force of skilled workmen.

The stock, which is one of the finest in the country. embraces everything required by the sportsman. fisherman, and hunter, including base-ball and lawn-tennis supplies. cricket materials, rods and flshing-tackle, dumb-bells, boxing-gloves, qnoits, ebonite Indian Clubs, horizontal bars, parlor rowing-machines, and every article necessary for fitting up a gymnasium. Theatrical and fancy-costume wigs, beards, whiskers, etc., are likewise kept in stock, together with dancing clogs, shoes, playing-cards, dominoes, checkers. dice, backgammon-boards, roller-skates, etc. It is impossible in a short sketch to do justice to this splendid stock, which is unsurpassed for quality, workmanship. andgeneral excellence by that of any other first-class housein this country or Europe. The A. J. Reach Company arethe largest base-ball manufacturers in America. Theirpatent plastic American Association Ball has been ofii_cially adopted by the leagues and associations representing the following cities: American Association — New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Louisville. St. Louis. Western League — Milwaukee, Cleveland, Toledo, Kansas City, Indianapolis, St. Paul. Southern League — Atlanta. Nashville, Augusta, Savannah, Macon. Columbus, Montgomery, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Memphis. New York Association - Rochester, Syracuse, Geneva, Clinton, Schenectady, Ithaca. It may be mentioned in this connection that Mr. Reach was a professional baseball player. having been a member of the famous Athletics from 1863 to1878. He is new president of the Philadelphia National League Club. A large number of polite and efficient assistants and salesmen pay every attention to visitors and customers. and the pleasure of a visit to this far-famed establishment is greatly enhanced by their courtesy. Messrs. Reach and Shibe, the proprietors, are highly esteemed by the community for their executive ability and sterling integrity, and possess every facility for filling the largest orders in the most satisfactory and prompt manner. Goods are shipped to all parts of the country, viz., San Francisco, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Louisville, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, New York, etc. etc.. and to Cuba and South America. This house has developed a large industrial interest of a most beneficial character, and has built up a trade of great magnitude, in every respect a credit and a source of strength to the flourishing city of Philadelphia.

1884 Advertisement

Monday, January 25, 2021

Sooie! Sooie! Sarah Huckabee Sanders running for Governor of Arkansas


Sooie! Sooie! Sarah Huckabee Sanders running for Governor of Arkansas. Just what that redneck swamp of a state needs - a Swamp Queen. lol

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Lizard Dictator Trump of GQP political lunatic party (party, party) settling into Retirement at Mar-a-Lago - Letting hair and mask down.

Lizard Dictator Trump of GQP political lunatic party (party, party) settling into Retirement at Mar-a-Lago - Letting hair and mask down.  #GQP