Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A. J. Reach Co. - Base Ball Maker - 1219/1225 Beach Street - The Pennsylvania Review 1886



A. J. Reach Co., Manufacturers, Importers. and Dealers in Base-ball Supplies, Lawn-tennis, Cricket, Gymnasium, and General Sporting Goods, No. 23 South Eighth Street; Factory, No. 1219 to 1225 Beach Street.—Philadelphia has long been noted for its extensive trade in general sporting-goods, and the command of large capital, coupled with the well-known energy and enterprise of the representative firms engaged in this business, has permanently retained its supremacy in this country. Prominent among the largest houses in the United States which give tone and character to this industry is that of the A. J. Reach Company, whose spacious and commodious salesrooms are located at No. 23 South Eighth Street. This business was established in1865 under the style and title of A. J. Beach & Co., and was conducted till February, 1885. under that firm-name, when it was organized into a limited company, viz., the A. J. Reach Co. The officers are: president, A. J. Reach; treasurer. B. F. Shibe, The factory is situated at No. 1219 to 1225 Beach Street, and is equipped with all the latest improved machinery and appliances necessary for the manufacture of various kinds of sporting goods, employment being given to a strong force of skilled workmen.

The stock, which is one of the finest in the country. embraces everything required by the sportsman. fisherman, and hunter, including base-ball and lawn-tennis supplies. cricket materials, rods and flshing-tackle, dumb-bells, boxing-gloves, qnoits, ebonite Indian Clubs, horizontal bars, parlor rowing-machines, and every article necessary for fitting up a gymnasium. Theatrical and fancy-costume wigs, beards, whiskers, etc., are likewise kept in stock, together with dancing clogs, shoes, playing-cards, dominoes, checkers. dice, backgammon-boards, roller-skates, etc. It is impossible in a short sketch to do justice to this splendid stock, which is unsurpassed for quality, workmanship. andgeneral excellence by that of any other first-class housein this country or Europe. The A. J. Reach Company arethe largest base-ball manufacturers in America. Theirpatent plastic American Association Ball has been ofii_cially adopted by the leagues and associations representing the following cities: American Association — New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Louisville. St. Louis. Western League — Milwaukee, Cleveland, Toledo, Kansas City, Indianapolis, St. Paul. Southern League — Atlanta. Nashville, Augusta, Savannah, Macon. Columbus, Montgomery, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Memphis. New York Association - Rochester, Syracuse, Geneva, Clinton, Schenectady, Ithaca. It may be mentioned in this connection that Mr. Reach was a professional baseball player. having been a member of the famous Athletics from 1863 to1878. He is new president of the Philadelphia National League Club. A large number of polite and efficient assistants and salesmen pay every attention to visitors and customers. and the pleasure of a visit to this far-famed establishment is greatly enhanced by their courtesy. Messrs. Reach and Shibe, the proprietors, are highly esteemed by the community for their executive ability and sterling integrity, and possess every facility for filling the largest orders in the most satisfactory and prompt manner. Goods are shipped to all parts of the country, viz., San Francisco, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Louisville, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, New York, etc. etc.. and to Cuba and South America. This house has developed a large industrial interest of a most beneficial character, and has built up a trade of great magnitude, in every respect a credit and a source of strength to the flourishing city of Philadelphia.

1884 Advertisement

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