Thursday, May 23, 2019

GOP Chairman McDaniel Should Be Held Accountable For Republican Intransparency and Crimes Against Human Rights Among Others For Conduct in ICE Camps

I see that a freshman Rep in Congress Jason Crow (d-colorado) is introducing a bill to allow Reps access to ICE facilities within 48 hours of request to inspect and audit per their constitutional rights and of course in the human frame to investigate these facilities for disease and the death of children held in immigration custody. 

Where these children getting proper and or immediate medical care, were they with family when they died, have their parents been informed of the child's death?

Unfair to call most of these facilities concentration camps but some in the Administration call them Summer Camps for Kids. The illness access is one that needs investigation. No need to raise the child abuse thing yet. The lack of transparency and the lack of heart, soul and humanity under the Trump Regime goes without saying.

No sooner than Crow wants to get access to ICE facilities that Ronna McDaniel, no doubt at all in my mind, with her approval pulls out an Hispanic Repubikan loser Phil Covarrubias, lost his rep seat in the Colorado State legislature last year, and now suddenly he is talking about opposing Crow in the 2020 race for the local congressional seat. Just moved into the neighborhood Phil?

This is where the evil of full time Mormon Moms and part time National Republican Chairmen like Ronna McDaniel is that Phil last year, only one or two generations from being a wetback himself from Mexico, said in an interview that he approved of locking up the Japanese Americans in concentration camps in WWII. He also while in the state legislature compared "Abortion Rights" to "Prostitution". Where do they find these dregs?

What is it about putting on the little red MAGA hat that scrambles the few brain cells these racist losers and haters and morons have, and get the idea that they are anything more than they are - human trash.

Trump has united all the white, inbred and wanna be white and inbred types to come out of the closet and live a proud Honey Boo Boo reality TV version of themselves in their minds but not in the reality of living next door to real neighbors of all colors and measures. 

That when the final chapter of this evil period in U.S. history is written and the world court at the Hague requires someone to stand in the USA docket, I nominate Ronna McDaniel and her overseeing of the not doing anything, only following orders M.O. while filling his rubber stamp ranks, under a monster mobster like Donald J. Trump.


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