Saturday, October 13, 2018

Real Estate - The New Oil Depletion Tax Loophole for Tax Deadbeats like Jared Kushner and Donald Trump

Raise the value of the property for six months of the year to justify rent hikes on the poor and elderly.  Cheat them. Take their middle class dream away with the rent money.

Lower the value of the property for six months around tax time and justify a loss and a tax break so that you do not have to contribute to the good of society.  Make money. Waste it. 

Bribe politicians - like "Cocaine Mitch" McConnell with family financial interests of Chinese Shipping and along with drug and human trafficking to Gleefully push Brett Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court to be bribed and or his gambling debts to always disappear as his snorts Coke and Beer, boofing it up his ass adding 9 to the scrolls of Supreme human destruction - for Cocaine Mitch to lower your taxes more if you are rich and the good you cheat society of can turned into more evil and support via our Roving Ambassador of the Muddled East Jared Kushner, and crown prince Mohammed Bin Salmon (Not "Moe" for short but "MBS") (too young I think to have financed the 911 attack on the World Trade Center in NYC) who can turn Washington Post Journalists into Khashoggi Tartare for din-din. 

Not Make America Great but turn it into the toxic evil cesspool to support the vision of Billionaires and Oligarchs to reduce humanity to nothing - to zero  - 0 - and less than zero (-0). Hell on Earth and or Trump Tower Disease everywhere. No cure in sight.

Jared Kushner’s legal tax evasion shows how wealthy real estate investors steal from taxpayers

The New York Times published a new report showing how Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, largely avoided paying any federal income tax between 2009 and 2016.
The financial documents the Times reviewed offer a detailed look at how real estate developers like Kushner and Trump manipulate the law to essentially steal millions of dollars — legally — from the American people. And the Republican tax cuts last year made it even easier to do.
The way the tax loophole works is that the law assumes that buildings lose value every year. But as The Times explains, that’s not really true; in fact, they often gain value. But even if they’re gaining value, developers like Kushner can legally claim that the law’s assumptions about depreciation are true, inflating the loss of value so they can report a loss of income.
The company’s assets are then integrated into the owner’s personal taxes, meaning Kushner could report that, although he personally made a ton of money, he “lost” more because of what Kushner Companies purportedly lost in the value of its buildings. He can then deduct that loss from his taxes for that year and in the years to come, leaving him with no taxes to pay — even though he’s actually raking in a fortune in profits.

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