Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Avoid That Man - Trump

"...Ambition naturally enters into the hearts of all-of the priest as well as of the man of the world-and unusually happy is he who has the strength and courage to fling it aside, to fling aside all desire of advancement, save of advancement in the knowledge and love of God. But how miserable is he who lives only to gratify his temporal ambition !  For him who lives only for the world the world has no charity. And if a man does fling God out of his heart, if he sacrifices the principles of honor and right to his worldly ambition, should he not be the first to be feared, the last to be trusted? If you find that a man rejects honor and truth and faith, I say to you as a priest and a citizen, 'Avoid that man.' If you meet him in the street and he salutes you, bow you head and pass him by. 

~~Father Thomas Ducey, St. Leo's Church, NYC  - 17 January 1884

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