Friday, January 6, 2017

Threat - Cultural Rape of the Poor - Repeal of ACA - White Male Entitlement

Looking at the powers of the corporations, the evil corporations to drain the blood and soul out of us for the next quarterly profit and CEO mandated bonuses - I look at the recent election of White Ethnic Neanderthals to turn back time. I realize that I can do nothing to stop the about to happen shit storms resulting from putting a mentally (Caligula level) ill creep in as chief executive of the American government...

A guy you just want to rape an underage ... with is the new having a beer with standard of the GOP? * 

(The Roman Church way ahead on that learning curve btw.)

That I thought that having an inbred wasp idiot like George W Bush the ideal man for the moron in the street to have a bud lite with as a standard for the sale of one's worthless soul to excellence on the Wharton Global Spreadsheet that values humans as zero or less than zero on that new standard of man's "worth" - less than zero... thought that was a new world low in the evolving global culture. Talk about going down low(er)...

That the dying embers of the white male entitlement going back to the hatred and division of humanity with the newly minted King James christian justifiable hate book in the seventeenth century planting the two roots of American evil stemming out from the Puritans in New England, stealing land from and killing natives, and the Cotton Exchanges / slave marts of the South.

... that the dying embers of the old world order thinks it can epoxy it's way back to life entombed in clear plastic, stagnant and an iconic relic for all to worship or suck on like a relic of John Paul II etc...

That the implied gratification of white men to rape their slaves, black and white, male and female, poor mostly, these Obamacare creatures... that this political and moral threat regarding basic human rights to healthcare is not unlike a pending real Cultural Rape of the Poor on a metaphoric scale. 

That the number of men and women willing to sell their souls to the new ball washer GOP Great NEW "christianity" is not unlike a bunch of malformed privileged teenage boys, addicted to too too much porn, and with the world and or its once moral teachers etc. out to tea. So PC...

* White Male Entitlement


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