Monday, June 13, 2016

Orlando - Spinning the Truth About Hate Crimes in Orlando - Gays and Hispanics

President Obama made an honest assessment of the tragedy in Orlando as being an act of Terror and an act of Hate.

Everybody wants to spin this thing. The Pope and archbishop of Louisville KY put out statements deploring violence in Orlando conveniently skirting the issue of LGBT and any honest discussion about human sexuality that the church conveniently ignores at every turn.

Watching Fox News Business Varney and Co, the host held up a copy of the NY Daily News wondering why the “NRA” was supposed to be responsible for this act of “Islamic Terrorism” – the business channel(?).

The Orlando Sentinel has published a partial list of victims’ names. Out of the 35 names listed, I count something like 27 Hispanic sounding names.

My point is that without clear motives of the shooter, my gut reaction is that not only that this incident may be a Hate Crime against Gays but also being a Hate Crime against Hispanics – considering the current political atmosphere and certain political presumptives taking credit for acts of mass violence in some peculiar narcissistic manner.

That if so-called Gay Clubs as like churches in America – they are segregated along racial and ethnic lines, I have to wonder who the killer hated more before he committed his soul to hell and his 72 virgins – whether who did he hate more – the Gays or the Hispanics? Or both equally?


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